Hi there
been messing around with Bobs track builder for a few weeks now with some good results .
so i thought i,dd share what i,ve found out so you can make your own race tracks easy.
Quick video showing how to export a basic track from bobs track builder to 3drad.
things needed
3drad ,
Deep Exploration,
Video here
Don,t forget if you are using custom xpacks you need to extract the folder to were you export your track before importing into Deep Exploration or textures will not show.
Plus I,ve noticed that certain object do not show in Deep Exploration or 3drad after exporting? Ripple strips are a good example and custom xpack object.
The only way round this if it happens i,ve found is to export your track from Deep Exploration to .3ds format ,Then import into 3dsmax Were the objects will show but without textures, So then use the material editor to add the textures and export to 3drad and all should be good.
Basic oval track
you can download here http://3drad.info/2010/07/18/basic-oval-track-1-for-3drad/
some pics of what i,ve been making.
i,ll share them when finshed
any probs just ask