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Author Topic: you cant run a moleboxed project using OSAkit ?  (Read 1755 times)

« on: December 22, 2009, 01:42:43 PM »
It just dosnt work. you need to have the folder with all the resources in there to the game work. not only the DLLs, I mean... the resources, like... everything.

any comments?
Crashing Boxes - winner of the 3d games category at the 5th Uruguayan video game contest
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« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2009, 01:47:19 PM »
I just opened the stunt plane game in web version (not moleboxed, all the resources are there, it works...) and downloaded the installer version, and that one is moleboxed.


did you already knew about this problem, Fernando?
Crashing Boxes - winner of the 3d games category at the 5th Uruguayan video game contest
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« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2009, 02:02:01 PM »
It is totally possible. In fact I was testing OSAkit with a moleboxed test game, as well as not moleboxed.  If it fails, could be because of an old molebox version. Mine is the newest pro version pre-ultra.  Have not tested molebox ultra but it sure will work.
I reported years ago to the molebox developer some problems that their product had with 3impact engine. Namely, it required that the running game had all subfolders (default_res, Etc) pre-created empty on disk, which was a problem.   
Now it is solved, so molebox create a virtual folder tree structure.  The only test molebox could not pass was game packing for torque game builder, that (at least the version I purchased) requires the files to be actually on hard disk, as it does not accept virtual files. But it is a TGB problem, not molebox.

The problem I found with Osakit was its "uncertainty" to work, so I use the webgamebuilder, which you can find here  http://www.etiumsoft.com/webgamebuilder.php and I posted here http://www.3drad.com/forum/index.php?topic=3306.0 my opinion.  Since it's 10x cheaper than OSA, and it works perfectly, I purchased it.
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2009, 02:06:39 PM »
I readed your post about webgamebuilder, but! since it works only for IE... I dont know...

thanks for your feedback, knowing it works Ill keep trying, for sure Im doing something wrong.

Crashing Boxes - winner of the 3d games category at the 5th Uruguayan video game contest
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« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2009, 02:20:11 PM »
Yes, being IE is kind of limited but actually most people use it.  Struggling with OSA made me re-think and open up a bit. 
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2009, 02:29:19 PM »
well, I forgot to clarify something I guess...

my moleboxed game works fine if I execute it from disk, but it fail if I try to execute it using OSAkit. like... it require the files (tried again, I can delete skinmesh for example... but need the project file ::)) if is running throught OSAkit only.

SO... is this really a molebox problem?

??? ???
Crashing Boxes - winner of the 3d games category at the 5th Uruguayan video game contest
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« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2009, 05:40:41 PM »
well, after some more tests this is my resume:

I can molebox my game and it works, BUT ONLY IF you execute it on disk/window... I mean, not online using osakit.

if you execute it online using osakit it fails.

curious note:
you can actually molebox (and delete source) some parts of the game, these parts are:
the data folder for: rigidbody,skinmesh,sprites,textprint,valueprint ... the exe (the 3drad player) and the ico  :P

if you molebox, for example... the loading image, or the project... and delete 'em... forget it, it wont work. I MEAN!! you can molebox everything!! and it will work, but will work only while you dont delete the source  ???

I repeat: this problem only happens when the game is loaded using osakit, the same moleboxed version works just fine without any source file if you execute it as a downloaded/installed aplication.

Jdebroy , is not that I dont trust your word, and for sure I appreciate your feedback ... but Id love to see that moleboxed version of you running on osakit, and will ask again for everyone else... any comments? any experience? any idea?
Crashing Boxes - winner of the 3d games category at the 5th Uruguayan video game contest
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« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2009, 11:48:03 PM »
For the remaining opinions, I assume you are "deleting" files from disk before executing the program, not erasing something at runtime.
The idea behind molebox is that you don't have to provide any other file than the moleboxed executable, which contains everything inside. If it does not work like that, you should mail a sample program to the molebox team as I did some time ago.
I discovered recently that a multiproject 3drad compiled needs in fact the empty folder structure (3drad_res and all subfolder tree) to work properly. If the tree structure is missing then only the first project will run, and the exit fade will close the 3drad player.
So, my moleboxed test has the exe and the empty folder structure, nothing more.  I also discovered that 3drad compiler includes a lot of unused skinmeshes and rigid body files, which increments filesize. But that an issue to discuss with Fernando. But anyway, for the test I moleboxed all the output from 3drad compiler.

If a file was not included in your moleboxed exe, then it must be on the file system. Otherwise your exe will fail. You should check that all files are included. Everything from top to bottom folder must be inside your moleboxed exe.  When testing, you should move your moleboxed exe to a different location, far from your 3drad_res files. It should work.

The exhausting part of moleboxing a 3drad project is that you must go manually to each subfolder, and it is a tedious job. What I did is to edit the .mbxcnfg file and include the file list by hand.
It is very easy to output a folder listing to a text file by opening a command window, changing the prompt to your folder and type  "dir /b /s /oG >c:\foldertree.txt"  of course you can name the output file to your liking.  Then edit the file and remove the leading directory information, replacing it with "00 ". In my case the compiled project folder is "c:\dev3d\3dradPRG\boatlake", I replaced with "00 ".   You must remove folder names too or molebox will fail packing.
After that, you copy the filelist from your txt and paste into the box contents on the mbxcnfg file.

To obtain an empty folder structure, you copy the 3drad_res to a location on your disk. Then open a command window and type "del /s /q". After that, you will have all folder structure but no files. You include that on the osa file.

Remember that the osa file is just a renamed rar. So you can download the osa from my server, rename it to .rar and then open it with winrar.  You will see the moleboxed exe along with some empty folders. You can extract it and run it outside the osa file.

Needless to say, my opinion of osakit, at least the free version, is that is buggy and unstable. I have not had a single test deployment that works as advertised.  From what you say, probably it is not decompressing correctly, or your temp folder has some restrictions.   The osakit plugin just downloads the osa, extracts the complete contents to a your users/temp folder and runs it. I suspect it stores something somewhere else but I gave up struggling with it.  It crashes any browser I have, sometimes the app does not render, etc, etc, etc.
Depending on your OS, it could be c:\users\julio\appdata\osakit\temp on vista, or c:\documents and settings\temp, something like that.  In any case, the osa contents are completely on disk at some point, and it never erases it. So you can recover any game played with it by looking on your disk.

I uploaded my test for you. It is big, about 70MB so it takes a lot to download, depending on your internet speed. It works here on IE, Firefox. Not on Safari, and not always.  I have vista HP. My molebox version is pro 2.3661, the most recent one before the ultra version.

The test is at www.corpogames.com/online/boatlakeMB/boatlake.php  (my unix webserver is case sensitive!). Please be easy on using it because of my bandwidth.

Note1> The webpage has parameters "embedded" as false.
Note2> If your program is failing, check to see if OSA is really downloading from your webserver. In my case, it stored somewhere the program and always used the cached file, so, even though you corrected something, OSA does not update your program and it keeps failing.  At least it was my case.

Note3>  I just tested live from my website and OSA refuses to work, as usual. But this same program worked at some point. Feel free to upload my test to your webserver, just take care to edit the htm file, and post your results here.

Note4> The same program, with some modifications, is without moleboxing at www.demosys.com/games/boatlake.php and here it does not work either. Problem is that the program do not appear after loading. Seems to be rendering in a hidden window, either moleboxed or not.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 11:54:53 PM by Jdebroy »
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2009, 12:35:30 AM »
The exhausting part of moleboxing a 3drad project is that you must go manually to each subfolder, and it is a tedious job.

YEAAHH!!  I found that quite annoying, then I found you can actually drag the entire 3DRad_res (or whatever) folder from the explorer to the molebox dialog and that's it, you dont need to select each file in each subfolder. pretty cool!  :D

about the "deleting files" part on my post, what I was talking about is this: the osakit download my moleboxed project to whatever folder it saves it, then try to run it. and if fail. so, I copy the 3DRad_res folder to that ... copy in "whatever folder" and re-run the web version. now, with all the content (3DRad_res folder) in there it works. so I go to that 3DRad_res folder in the "whatever folder" and start deleting files to see what file the web version needs and what not. Ive never deleted files before moleboxing it, Ive moleboxed the whole thing. I find quite difficult to explain the procedure properly but hopefully you got me.

about your project, is near 5 AM here and 70 mb is not "a little" so Im going to sleep now, Ill try it later.

thanks for taking your time on this.
Crashing Boxes - winner of the 3d games category at the 5th Uruguayan video game contest
get a copy for your iPad/iPhone!
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2009, 08:49:49 AM »
That dragging idea is a time saver indeed!  It never occurred to me I could drag and drop into molebox, so silly me.

I moleboxed everything by dragging files instead of my painstaking technique, and it works as fine as before when running the program in my pc, no source files needed, just the moleboxed exe. As before, it needs the empty folder structure to have a multiproject compiled 3drad exe.   About osakit I can not tell because it does not work at all here, except for the stunt plane sample from rad site.

Am going to upload a webgamebuilder version later today and will post the address.
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2009, 11:01:51 AM »
OK, here is the moleboxed version using webgamebuilder>


The moleboxed osakit version>


Both versions are exactly the same, and only difference is the plugin used.   WebGameBuilder worked only on IE but it always works, so my customers can trust my work. 
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2009, 11:43:26 AM »
all right, I tried your osakit version fo the boat game.

I didnt work, of course... BUT! when I opened the temp/OSAkit folder, it turns out that your osakit file actually didnt look like mine, and wasnt automatically extracted either. it looked like and exe :S and I was abble to extract it but not doing double click like a common osakit file, but with right click and the extract here option from the menu. SO, I think your OSAkit problem may be another different than mine, and you may want to take another look at that.

I dont know how you did pack it, but if it help, what I do is: make a zip of the game folder with the same name of the .exe, and  using the OSA Package Maker from the OSAkit I downloaded from the website select that zip and press the button.

are we the only two persons in this whole forum that tried this?

Im really surprised no one have stepped in here to say something about this... I mean, COMEON PEOPLE!! WEB is the way you show things nowadays you know?  :D

WOW! just wow...
Crashing Boxes - winner of the 3d games category at the 5th Uruguayan video game contest
get a copy for your iPad/iPhone!


« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2009, 11:47:31 AM »
are we the only two persons in this whole forum that tried this?

Im really surprised no one have stepped in here to say something about this... I mean, COMEON PEOPLE!! WEB is the way you show things nowadays you know?  :D

::) ...

« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2009, 01:32:15 PM »
Loop, i've tried with three methods:

1- With 3drad compiler alone.
2- With OSAkit sdk
3- Just making a rar file and renaming to .osa

They all bring me same results=don't work.   I saw today a couple of windows exceptions preventing the exe to render, because of a Data Execution Prevention error.  But again, if my potential customers are exposed to a zillion errors, they will think it's my program, not the plugin.

By the way, in the moleboxed version, you can download the .osa, rename to .rar and extract the contents with winrar. You should be able to run the program without a single additional file.

You are right about web delivery. Maybe Fernando can give us a hint on how he managed the stunt plane sample to work flawlessly. 
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2009, 01:51:16 PM »
well, It works just fine for me if all the resources are there, what donst work at all is the moleboxed version of my program.

problem is dont want to make public all my assets/projects.

Fernando's stunt plane game, as I already said in my second post here, have all the assets public. I just found curious that the download version of the same game is moleboxed while the osakit version (the one that dosnt work moleboxed for me) is not, just source version (like it work for me). MAYBE this is all a happy coincidence and Fernando just forgot to molebox it.. or wanted to make public his assets/program in the web version.
how would I know...
maybe after holydays he step in here and drop some light on this subject  :)
« Last Edit: December 24, 2009, 01:53:10 PM by loop »
Crashing Boxes - winner of the 3d games category at the 5th Uruguayan video game contest
get a copy for your iPad/iPhone!
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