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Author Topic: --------CLOSED-----------  (Read 2412 times)

« on: November 12, 2011, 02:01:47 PM »
« Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 06:42:20 AM by 3d rad pro 2011 »
أهلا :)


« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2011, 07:00:01 PM »
No picky .... You know the rest.
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2011, 07:17:23 PM »

« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2011, 04:11:08 AM »
I downloaded it. Though screenshots would be nice. What does 'trim' do? And I didn't see a 'mashine gun'.
Rocket Rumble, a 3D Rad puzzle game:


« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2011, 04:52:01 AM »
Nice work 3d rad pro 2011. This is the type of post that we really like seeing.

I actually owe you apology.
After reading all those "empty" conversations, I lost total interest in your posts... among others.
But this stuff made me sit up straight and say "WoW - This fella has a whole bag full of real talent".
Sure it's based on the default plane demo. But you used what was availalble, added and change a lot of stuff, and added your own personality to it. It's an ongoing job, that is coming on very nicely.

It was Robert's question of 'What does 'trim' do?" that tickled my interest, else I would not have even bothered to download.
But try to paste screenshots, they do inspire a person to download 11 meg of stuff. New work without images does really tend to get ignored.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 04:57:08 AM by jestermon »
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2011, 07:53:55 AM »

 ;D  ;D  ;D

i really don't want to give the impression that i'm one of Jestermon's yes men... but she's right, a lil piccy and some sorta description of what the project is all about would help get interest and get you more downloads and feedback...

i'm downloading it now just because i read her first impressions...  otherwise, i too would've passed it by based on the opening post...

« Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 08:12:24 AM by Mike Hense »
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2011, 09:09:58 AM »
well that was unexpected  ;D

thnx for the feed back jestermon :)

and i would like to give some 3d rad forum users ( i dont know them but i thank them ) credit for giving me some resources :)

the run way wasnt mine and the skinmesh was from the warehouse

so if it wasnt for them then i could only make a blank cessna rigid body with basic terrain template game  ;D

thanks to all 3d rad users for help

PS: u all helped me but didnt notice( when i wasnt a user i used resources :D )


Clear and loud :)
أهلا :)
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2011, 01:18:48 PM »
i usually judge a game demo by a simple set of determinations... if i play it for more than 10 seconds, then it usually passes my test of being worthwhile... 

if i play it for more than a minute... either i'm really enjoying it, or i've been challenged enough by it to try and beat it... 

i played your demo for about 10 minutes... landing, flying in between the building... shooting the gun...

you've got a bit left to do...  but so far, the engine sound is right on the money... and  the plane handles relatively well...

i know it's a work in progress... the following few things i noticed are just mentions...

afterburners shouldn't be able to be lit until the power is at 100%... right now i can press 4 and go into burner... then press 4 to come outta burner, and the power drops to zero...

no shadow on the plane... it needs one...

no gear retraction... gotta put that in as well...

no crash... either on land or in water...

looks like you're on you way... will be watching this one... good luck...


« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2011, 01:43:40 PM »
i usually judge a game demo by a simple set of determinations... if i play it for more than 10 seconds, then it usually passes my test of being worthwhile... 

if i play it for more than a minute... either i'm really enjoying it, or i've been challenged enough by it to try and beat it... 

i played your demo for about 10 minutes... landing, flying in between the building... shooting the gun...

you've got a bit left to do...  but so far, the engine sound is right on the money... and  the plane handles relatively well...

i know it's a work in progress... the following few things i noticed are just mentions...

afterburners shouldn't be able to be lit until the power is at 100%... right now i can press 4 and go into burner... then press 4 to come outta burner, and the power drops to zero...

no shadow on the plane... it needs one...

no gear retraction... gotta put that in as well...

no crash... either on land or in water...

looks like you're on you way... will be watching this one... good luck...



just give me a week and il be done ;D
أهلا :)
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2011, 01:58:28 PM »
you've got 2...  8)

« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2011, 03:44:36 PM »
أهلا :)
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2011, 11:29:15 AM »
Actualy can somone teach me how to control becouse it was hard for me :D i always go not the right way ;)
::=::Look at this ::=::
Rally game

The most important thing that happens, you usualy miss it , but after sometime you will remember
even if you didint noticed. Go forward and never look back
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2011, 05:52:50 PM »
Actualy can somone teach me how to control becouse it was hard for me :D i always go not the right way ;)

i have HW so will be done in 3 weeks :(

and dont worry il fix the controls
أهلا :)
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2011, 08:56:13 AM »
thx ;)
::=::Look at this ::=::
Rally game

The most important thing that happens, you usualy miss it , but after sometime you will remember
even if you didint noticed. Go forward and never look back
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2011, 03:47:20 PM »
contols fixed :)
أهلا :)
Pages: [1] 2