Guys , I Really would to know a Way to Execute a Script Command , or More Clearly make a Rule to the Script, Not to Repeat the Command at every Object !
For Example :
if I Want to make a Level detail for every SkinMesh in My Game when Only my Character being Closer to them to Improve the Quality of my Game;
it's Simple .. I Will make the Command in a Script for a One and only One SkinMesh !! but .. I've many SkinMeshes more than hundreds-for example , So , I Need to Make a Rule to the Script to Execute the Same Operation to Every SkinMesh I've when the Condition Achieved instead of Repeating the Command , and Manually Renaming the OBJ_X by Every SkinMesh I've in My game ! it's a very hard work to that.
So I Really Want to Know a Way to Execute a Script Command at every Object per Condition ? You know what am Saying !
I Will Tell you also another Example doing that Operation I am talkin' about in 3d Rad :
The Imposter when it Clones a SkinMesh it Clones also every Behavior the SkinMesh Gained it whether a Script Command on it or a Shader , and Such things , but the Only Problem that all the Cloned Objects are only Executed , it's Just a Cloning Operation , I wanna an Execute at Every SkinMesh-for Example-or at every Object etc. even if they're a different SkinMeshes or RigidBodies or Objects in Shape but They Shared in the Same Command and Condition.
Thanks ---
For Example :
if I Want to make a Level detail for every SkinMesh in My Game when Only my Character being Closer to them to Improve the Quality of my Game;
it's Simple .. I Will make the Command in a Script for a One and only One SkinMesh !! but .. I've many SkinMeshes more than hundreds-for example , So , I Need to Make a Rule to the Script to Execute the Same Operation to Every SkinMesh I've when the Condition Achieved instead of Repeating the Command , and Manually Renaming the OBJ_X by Every SkinMesh I've in My game ! it's a very hard work to that.
So I Really Want to Know a Way to Execute a Script Command at every Object per Condition ? You know what am Saying !
I Will Tell you also another Example doing that Operation I am talkin' about in 3d Rad :
The Imposter when it Clones a SkinMesh it Clones also every Behavior the SkinMesh Gained it whether a Script Command on it or a Shader , and Such things , but the Only Problem that all the Cloned Objects are only Executed , it's Just a Cloning Operation , I wanna an Execute at Every SkinMesh-for Example-or at every Object etc. even if they're a different SkinMeshes or RigidBodies or Objects in Shape but They Shared in the Same Command and Condition.
Thanks ---