Based on Rush's quest for hover vehicles, this is an experiment in pipe / tunnel based racing...
Introducing Artificial gravity.
Using a force that is always pointing down from the car, allowing it to ride inside a pipe. There is a script attached to each of the 2 cars in this demo, which ensures that the force will always point downwards, thus inducing an artificial gravity for the car
The main camera (The full screen view) Shows a car on the terrain, with a distant camera view,
The 2nd camera (The small one in the top corner) shows a car already in the pipe, but from a close up view.
Both cars are drivable.
You can enter the pipe from anywhere, where it touches the ground, and exit the pipe from a hole in the pipe, that is close to the ground. The pipe has it's normals inverted, so that it faces inwards, this ensures there is always physics contact on the inside.
This is by no means a perfect solution, but it lends itself to some very interesting game ideas.
The forces are aligned to point downwards from the car with a simple LocalToParent function call.
The car in the smaller window also has a force aligned to point forwards, if you wish to attach a car AI to it.
Have fun.
Introducing Artificial gravity.
Using a force that is always pointing down from the car, allowing it to ride inside a pipe. There is a script attached to each of the 2 cars in this demo, which ensures that the force will always point downwards, thus inducing an artificial gravity for the car
The main camera (The full screen view) Shows a car on the terrain, with a distant camera view,
The 2nd camera (The small one in the top corner) shows a car already in the pipe, but from a close up view.
Both cars are drivable.
You can enter the pipe from anywhere, where it touches the ground, and exit the pipe from a hole in the pipe, that is close to the ground. The pipe has it's normals inverted, so that it faces inwards, this ensures there is always physics contact on the inside.
This is by no means a perfect solution, but it lends itself to some very interesting game ideas.
The forces are aligned to point downwards from the car with a simple LocalToParent function call.
The car in the smaller window also has a force aligned to point forwards, if you wish to attach a car AI to it.
Have fun.