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Author Topic: 2 helps needed...  (Read 1692 times)

« on: June 11, 2011, 05:43:28 AM »
first can anybody help in texturizing my plane(airbus a319), its all black and i wanted some paint on it, plus the animation...i want some control of it, can anyone help using a script or something else? please reply quisckly cause im really annoyed by these things. i wish i know things like these especially borekS, hes a fst learner... please help me and thanks!
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2011, 05:44:54 AM »
the textures of the plane is in .DDS format...
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2011, 04:08:52 AM »
kk, guys im sorry, for being rude or something... but these are the only questions im going to ask, which meant that these are the last questions im gonna ask, so if somebody kindly help me? i will try to repay them by trying something new in 3drad... i dont really need borekS as he is a complainer, i ask him to explain it step by step but he wrote it like a article of something... please pretty please i tried everything to make things work...i just dont under stand the code structures and stuff in the script...
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2011, 07:53:59 AM »
Now lets see, You are using Gmax or something right? If I remember you have to place the texture onto the surface (its best to break up the texture) and then quite easily change the size and rotation n the texture tool. If you aren't using Gmax tell me what program you are using and Ill see what I know.
I'm sorry for all the grief you have been getting on this forum lately.
I'm never here and if I am I will try and say something...
Sorry tramkp888 I kind of forgot you back in July
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2011, 08:03:45 AM »
thank-you for your kindness, im using gmax for exporting the model files, but untextured, the animation is playing repeatedly and i want to know how to control the animation, for example if you press 5 then the animation for the airplane's flap will extend... plus the plane's texture is in DDS format so i dont know how to put it on the plane, i can open it but cant place it on the plane.

its a little sad that other people dont believe me that i tried, and when i said that i tried they are ignorant, i dont understand the script code structure for all these... so righte now im stuck back to my flying rock(as in flying unanimated plane). i never lost my temper like this before so thats how it got lost and messed up, i thank you for you trying to help, and now see what you meant by ignoring your ask-for help after so much stressful time working, and finally got the chance on going on the forum to ask for help. i too are stressed by the excessive homework my teacher gave to me and my fellow classmates, i strayed up till 12:30 to finish it and wake up in 6:30 to get ready for school.


« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2011, 12:25:18 PM »
i dont really need borekS as he is a complainer, i ask him to explain it step by step but he wrote it like a article of something...

dear peter,
it seems you are very, very ungrateful to some people...
maybe coz you are only 12, dont know.

oh, I forgot, I have ban from you, right?  ;)

ok, to Logmyster:
as you can see, it is not about 3Drad, but step by step it goes in another direction, but some "article" to this thread you can read here:
there is gmax source, with textures etc. the model is textured of course, but by default loading seems to be here untextured. what for format the project use, and how to convert, how to edit x-file, all I wrote in the thread already. maybe it help give some light to peters sofisticated "two gestion case".

it seems, peter use gmax for export model with animation of downloaded models, to one x-file, and with google sketchup he try model some own mesh, and he would like paint it, maybe with DDS textrures only. hard to understand him, what all he wanted  :)

I really have no time to teach peter all basic things about it, so it is now on you  ;) good luck.

« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2011, 12:38:42 PM »
this is all i wanted for god sake! in face its not me thats stupid but also you who dont understand what im saying,
here is what i wanted-
~i had troubles from textures in DDS format, the planes simply goes black in gmax and when exported, the model goes black as well, so i wanted some help here by placing the textures on the aircraft...im pretty sure you can do that for me so im just asking...
~the second thing is that i want some controls of my animations, i dont really know about sets but throught that the plane has them already as it was all animated and the animation was grouped up together before the exportion. so now i wanted someone to help texture and make a script for the plane to work properly.

thanks longmyster for your help and i hope you could do some part of these...
and Borek, i dont need your pesky comments anymore, i told you before to GET LOST!
im asking for help, not wandering about bad-mouthing me to the others, so shut your trap and get outta here you show-off, you fellow Mike-Hense here did the instruments and the animations rite? and you, just did the exportion along with some assitance in your post, however the question is still unanswered-that is, i just take a quick read in your now-solved fog problem, yea... there he is your best online friend Mike hense coming to help you with some parameters and adjustments, BLAH BLAH BLAH... well you know what, is your posts that made the people help you, and me? i dont really get much auto-help and surpport like you do, thats the reason i had to ask many more questions than you rite? plus my flooded questions are all about animating and exportion, so why do you complain when i asked the same questions, WHEN NO ONE COMES TO POST TO HELP ME???!!! so i gotta brush up on 3d modelling and some computing here, and you should learn the basics of logic, and common sense...

Now f**k off!


« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2011, 03:54:09 PM »
peter, stop post me PM, it is enough now. really  >:(
answer to your last PM also your little bit vulgarly post here, I must put my LAST POST, LAST HELP to you:
~i had troubles from textures in DDS format, the planes simply goes black in gmax and when exported, the model goes black as well, so i wanted some help here by placing the textures on the aircraft...im pretty sure you can do that for me so im just asking...
you just do not understand, again and again. I wrote you, to eliminate problem with textures, they should be better uncompressed BMP. interresting format convertor is DXTBmp, a write about this stuff to you, already.
gMax basicaly does not support DDS. so I wonder, why you wanna use enduser DDS files. so a work around gMax would be using .BMP or any other uncompressed textures in the model, but after you compile the eported X model, it will be referencing to files with a .BMP extension. this can you change then manually, to your DDS back, for example. how, I wrote you again. just with notepad. but if you can not search and replace text, then sorry ...

so, this can fix the problem with your black model: gMax working files should be BMP. 3Drad files also. but this all I wrote you already some time ago. you know probably very low about material, textures and mapping, about texture formats, it is a story to next long arcticle, you so hate ... if you are not gmax modeler, try some tutorials or use another program. if you need put some paint to untextrured model, you must map it with texture. it is not sure from your guestions, if you are modeler of the airbus a319, and so nobody can help you enough, if he dont know the whole background (your texture aplication to mesh, texture sizes etc). how is it with gmax boeing, is written in the other thread. there was problem with BMP format. but this all isnt really 3Drad problem, you should visit gmax threads or use Mr. Google.

to the rest of your reaction:
no comment  ::) well, edit:
Mike-Hense here did the instruments and the animations rite? and you, just did the exportion along with some assitance in your post, however the question is still unanswered-that is, i just take a quick read in your now-solved fog problem, yea... there he is your best online friend Mike hense coming to help you with some parameters and adjustments
you are wrong. Mike promised me help with animation and so on (he post me just little script to Mig-15, but this can not fix whole problem ingame, just how-to start some key frame animation. it is public, so for you too.. well, you need bone animation. 3d rad have samples...), but he is busy now - as you can see his activity last days (weeks) here. same like Jestermon with 3d instruments, he is weeks away, he wrote me about it.
all stuff like unlimited terrain (which I fixed fog problem with another help), working 2D gauges, switchable objects, mesh level of details, collision RB and terrain problems, animation exporting problems... etc, what I did for Komet project ver 1.3 and 1.4, I did myself, just using 3d default samples and samples here at forum. just with error-succes method. maybe I am quick learner, bit I do this about graphic since 90s...

... with your just simple question, like "why my model is black with gmax and ingame" you need to know not one thing - simple answer, but whole couple of things. that is, what is hard to understand for you maybe.

well, I stop now our frog-mouse wars, I still read your posts of course, but I will try not help to you anymore (also post something), and you stop send me PM about help and other things about, right? peace? ;)

Now I am f**k off! :D :D :D
« Last Edit: June 14, 2011, 03:30:22 AM by BorekS »
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2011, 04:04:01 AM »
the DDS comes with the aircraft and there was also a set of photoshop .PSD textures as well, so im now stucon how to place them on the plane, plus i also needed to know how to place those textures on the plane, plus i used that texture editing tool you posted to me, i used that to unlock the bmp textures for my a300, but my 3drad crashed after exporting my inverted selected plane. im asking for two helps here and i wanted help not anum fight, so please stut your trap and dont post here again... this is getting tiring as im asking for two more questions and you just talk to me like that, i dont have a lot of expirences like you, i just stared this year so im not good at everything! i am so badly wanting to duck tape your mouth and tie you up in front of the grand canyon... so puh-leex give me a break and let the others help, and stop posting on my topics anymore!
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2011, 04:29:18 AM »
Alright, now you said that the plane had psd textures with it too? post those on this forum for me and I will convert them for you to bmp, and luckily because we are on the same time you will get it pretty soon too! I'm also going to install gmax so my instructions are way more specific for you, even I don't understand them without the proper tool names and things. p.s. don't be afraid to PM me because I will probably answer pretty quickly due to the fact that It won't be like 1 am here.

And a note to BorekS, please just leave this guy alone! Do you think this is leaving a good impression? Try and make peace please! for the sake of all of the other forum members and readers, we don't want childish bickering on a forum that is meant for advice. Also, this forum can be used for anything 3drad related, it doesn't just have to be completely 3drad related you know? This counts as technical help in the technical discussion section. He is not post what he did on his weekend or somthing stupid like that is he?!
I'm never here and if I am I will try and say something...
Sorry tramkp888 I kind of forgot you back in July
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2011, 04:37:59 AM »
thank you so much! well can i send you the download link for the airbus a319? plus when converted the plane is so small, but when played the plane is humongous! so yea here is the download link~(i download the AI one for FSX because it has lower detail but still good model...


there are .PSD and .DDS textures too in cluded in the plane file(along with the gmax source file)
i hope you will suceed, and good luck!
p.s. thank you so much for helping me as there is not much kind and helpful people around here... i find that you and the other gurus are kind...
BorekS I hope you wont comment on my posts, please? its giving me a headache!!!
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2011, 04:55:21 AM »
thank you so much! well can i send you the download link for the airbus a319? plus when converted the plane is so small, but when played the plane is humongous! so yea here is the download link~(i download the AI one for FSX because it has lower detail but still good model...


there are .PSD and .DDS textures too in cluded in the plane file(along with the gmax source file)
i hope you will suceed, and good luck!
p.s. thank you so much for helping me as there is not much kind and helpful people around here... i find that you and the other gurus are kind...
BorekS I hope you wont comment on my posts, please? its giving me a headache!!!
Great! Ill send the file within 1 hour, Unfortunately what I feared has come true, you haven't exactly been given the best impression of the forum here, but there are plenty of nice people out there and sometimes you don't get help, yeah it sucks and I had this happen to me too, I wans't always a guru, plus, Im not the greatest compared to some of the others here, so I ask, don't give up on the forum, It is full of great people. ;)
I'm never here and if I am I will try and say something...
Sorry tramkp888 I kind of forgot you back in July
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2011, 04:57:33 AM »
nah its okay, thanks for your help, however if you can can you tell me how to put the converted bmp textures on the plane? it looks like a devil or whatevery, when its so black...
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2011, 10:00:30 AM »
the plane texturing has been completed, now i need to make the plane's animation controllable... if only i understand the code's structure
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2011, 03:20:03 PM »
Try this sample project, it shows you how to change animation sets runtime (on key presses)  ;D
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