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Author Topic: You can do this with 3d rad ?  (Read 1245 times)

« on: June 08, 2011, 02:10:02 PM »

you are a new user. Thank you for the work you do. I apologize for my Inglese.

I recently Entered the gaming world, and I am comfortable there, because i have some experience in programming languages ​​Various.

Now I'm here to ask you Some things, because i do not know if I can with 3d rad espremiere my fantasies or my passions.

I'm a fan of GTA San Andreas, and then I'd love to create a similar game, then it is pssibile created a similar game in 3d rad?

3d rad has the motion blur or other similar effects?
3d rad has a limit of polygons for 3D models?
3d rad has a motor fast enough or the fps are a tragedy?


« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2011, 07:42:56 AM »
That shouldn't be a problem. You can make FPS, but you'd probably need a script for the motion blur thing. Also, what you're aspiring for is to make an almost duplicate of a large budget video game, which won't be easy, but you could do it. Every once and a while I hop back on the computer and look at 3D rad again, and I always solve an old problem I had in one afternoon. 3D rad is super simple but due to the lack of fame you have to figure out things for yourself. Most of my 3D rad work is actually done on blender, but that's just for the artwork. I make my architectural structures on Sketchup though. Just as a beginners tip, I suggest getting all the Sketchup textures and to make terrains on blender. Several hours of my life have involved me jumping from tutorial to tutorial over the internet. I even once heard about a boy who lives near who put a video game in retail, and he was only 12 or 13 years old. Anyone can do it!
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2011, 08:25:55 AM »
the only "limit" is your imagination.....you can make everything with 3drad
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2011, 11:10:08 AM »
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2011, 02:07:17 PM »
biggest limit: 300 - 350 objects per project (not that bad though, you can make an awesome game with less 8))
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2011, 07:46:23 AM »
there are actually more limits than those mentioned above...

mic's 4x4 racing game quickly ran into the joint linkage barrier, as well as the number of linked objects barrier... he had originally planned for more than 4 cars on a single track... and he had realistic damage in  some of the earlier efforts...

and i'm still trying to get a scene with a sub, the sub's interior, torpedos, more than 3 target ships...  and a frame rate above 15...

believe me... for any complex game, you're gonna have to be aware of a lot of these limits, and plan your workarounds verrrrrrrry carefully...

trust me, the limitations of your imagination is least of your concerns...   ;)

now this is not to say that you should bescared away by these limitations... from my experience, i've found similar limits in most game engines in this class...

RAD does allow some really impressive stuff with verrrry lil (sometimes none) coding...  and a game on par with Penumbra, or a Doom3 like FPS is definitely doable...

as long as the game takes place inside a fixed 'arena' and there aren't too many jointed objects or linked scripts... you should be alright...

« Last Edit: June 17, 2011, 07:50:22 AM by Mike Hense »


« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2011, 08:00:31 AM »
If you want to make a game quick, maybe learn lots in the process. You should give 3d Rad a go.

I haven't ran into any limits yet (but iam still yet to finish this game :) )

every engine has limits. But if you do your research when u come to a brick wall, there is always a way around it.

If your comfortable with your programming/modelling/concepts and generally advanced at most things to do with game creation. I would suggest Unity or even get the Unreal 3 engine and code your way to happiness ;D

3d rad has the motion blur or other similar effects?
yes - see http://www.3drad.com/forum/index.php?topic=6770.0

3d rad has a limit of polygons for 3D models?
Not as far as per model goes. Ive slapped in mesh's that exceed 30k poly and it loads fine. As for the global maxium, havnt a clue. But if your optimising your models you shouldnt hit a problem.

3d rad has a motor fast enough or the fps are a tragedy?
In my opinion, its extremely fast considering the wide range of pre-defined objects. Its even faster if you are coding scripts yourself and bypassing the pre-build objects (like joints).

Iam using v7.19 and i cant fault it. I spend more time creating the game, less time faffing around with the user interface trying to find out how to clone an object :)

All i can say is, 3D rad is worth a shot, even if youve made your mark in other engines (Unreal etc).

3D rad doesn't have something? create a request for a feature, you and maybe the community donates = you get that feature.
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