Now nobody, not even noobs can say they don't know how to make imposters.
Here is a quick tutorial for beginners on how to make 5 imposters.
Just copy this code into a script object, hook the script to the thing you want to imposter, and then follow the written comments.
Here is a quick tutorial for beginners on how to make 5 imposters.
Just copy this code into a script object, hook the script to the thing you want to imposter, and then follow the written comments.
Code: [Select]
void Main()
//Imposters are great because you can clone a skinmesh or rigidbody(only in 3DRad 7.16 or higher) and allow your game to run at a faster frames per second.
//This is how to create 5 imposters when the project starts.
//This is how to change the imposters' locations.
//We also need an orientation to use. Let's call it q and set it's angle to 0,0,0.
//You should take line 24 and put it above the "void Main()" just to keep things organized, but it will work the way it is anyway, so it's not neccessary.
Quaternion q;
//This is the part that sets the different imposters' positions.
//The Vector3(0,0,0) part is where you get to choose where to put the imposter by specifying x,y,z locations.
//Don't forget to write the full number. 0.01 will work and .01 will not work.
iObjectImposterSet(OBJ_0,0,q,Vector3(1,2,3)); //This is for imposter #0
iObjectImposterSet(OBJ_0,1,q,Vector3(2,3,1)); //This is for imposter #1
iObjectImposterSet(OBJ_0,2,q,Vector3(3,2,1)); //This is for imposter #2
iObjectImposterSet(OBJ_0,3,q,Vector3(3,1,2)); //This is for imposter #3
iObjectImposterSet(OBJ_0,4,q,Vector3(2,1,3)); //This is for imposter #4
//That's all 5 imposters.
//Now that you understand how to work the script, you can delete all the messages that have the // in front of them.