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Author Topic: Ed's Resources  (Read 4808 times)


« on: April 09, 2011, 01:01:35 AM »
Hey, everyone!

As time permits i'll be posting some simple little projects here.

Please keep in mind these are small projects, i.e., a string-pull ragdoll, a basic FPS resources, etc.,
so don't expect anything spectacular.

First off is version 01 of my Cam1stperson-based FPS resource. More will come soon...

What it is:
A very basic Cam1stPerson-based FPS resource.

Still requires lots of work but it's a good basic start.

The Projectile/RigidBody Bullet is a test-only feature. For a "ranged" weapon (like a pistol) i would
recommend replacing it with a script using a vector scan to locate a hit-point.

The Scripts are fairly well commented. However, let me know if anything requires further explanation.

I recommend running the demo in windowed mode.

Use this resource absolutely any way you like.

* Jump (once on key press)
* Pistol firing animation
* Gunsmoke on firing
* Muzzleflash
* Footstep sounds
* Grunt sounds on jump, landing sounds when falling
* Variable-speed player breathing sounds (faster when moving, slower when idle)
* Gun Sway when player moves

* MouseLook
* RightMouseButton = Move Forward
* LeftMouseButton   = Fire Pistol
* A                       = Move Left
* D                       = Move Right
* S                       = Move Backwards
* Q                       = Jump
* ESC                    = Exit Game

Simple demo objective :
Stand close to the RigidBody Block object (about 10 meters) and fire away.

How to use this resource:
The zip file contains the compiled and non-compiled project. All  custom resouces (project files, models, sounds, 
index files, etc) are included.

Copy and paste all custom resources (don't forget the index files) to their respective folders where
you have 3drad installed.

Make sure to copy and past only the un-compiled version of the project file.

Requires 3drad 6.50 minimum.

Jestermon - animation script
MetallicDoom16 - Counterstrike weapons model
Shadmar  - shader pack (the demo uses the rim_tile shader)
Valve software - various sounds (for non-commercial test purposes only)
Id software - various sounds (for non-commercial test purposes only)

« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 12:08:44 AM by Ed »


« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2011, 03:13:18 AM »
Great first upload.. Keep them coming.
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2011, 05:51:37 AM »
Good work, Ed !  8) I managed to push the wall off as I was shooting.


« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2011, 09:04:31 AM »
Hello Ed.

If you want, you can use my fps addon for your game. Please feel free.

Link: http://www.3drad.com/addons/FirstPersonShooterPlayer_tac.php
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2011, 10:56:07 AM »
Great resource Ed, good job :)


« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2011, 02:48:46 AM »
Thanks guys :)

Tomorrow i'll add a ChaseCam/Character object version that fires a machine gun.

This ChaseCam version offers more flexible possibilities (crouching, sidways leaning - not implemented yet, though).

@MetallicDoom16 -- Thanks! I think i downloaded that about a week ago. I haven't had time to check it out but i
will soon ;)
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 03:04:26 AM by Ed »


« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2011, 12:29:54 AM »
What it is:
This project is a CamChase based (as opposed to Cam1stPerson based) FPS resource.

The advantage to a CamChase player character is greater flexibility in adjusting the
camera in realtime for such features as crouching, leaning around corners and so on.

This version does not implement these more advanced features but i will add them
eventually (if no one beats me to it first).

* mostly the same as the above FPS resource with the added possibility of
  greater camera flexibility.

* Machine gun (actually jestermons _lil_tank fbf animation) replaces the counterstrike

LeftMouseButton = Fire
W or RightMouseButton = Move forward
A = Move left
D = move right
S = Move backwards
Q = Jump
Esc = Exit game

Simple game objective:
Shoot the RigidBody bouncy object around the "arena".

How to use this resource:
The zip file contains the compiled and non-compiled project. All  custom resouces (project files, models, sounds, 
index files, etc) are included.

Copy and paste all custom resources (don't forget the index files) to their respective folders where
you have 3drad installed.

Make sure to copy and past only the un-compiled version of the project file.

Requires 3drad 6.50 minimum.

Jestermon - animation script, fbf _lil_tank model
Valve software - various sounds (for non-commercial test purposes only)
Id software - various sounds (for non-commercial test purposes only)

Edit: Ooops! After uploading the CharacterFPS_001.zip file i realized the scripts where still
in a messy state. I'll correct that by uploading the improved version as a .3dr file in a
day or two. Meanwhile, the current project is ok if you don't mind wading through some
obsolete commented-out code.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 12:08:08 AM by Ed »


« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2011, 02:46:45 AM »
Nice descriptive post.
As I said.. keep them coming.. this is good stuff.


« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2011, 12:37:56 AM »
Thanks Jestermon - and thanks for your many contributions. They've helped :)

Just a quick update (cleaned-up scripts) to the Camchase FPS project above.

You must still download and install the resources to the CharacterFPS_001.zip posted above.

I'm also posting a more physics intensive version (this one crashes my feeble
seven-year old computer - so use with caution).

One more thing:
If the 'sound on falling' sound fails to activate at the start of the project inside
the 3drad editor, open and close the 'EventOnContact: Start Landing Sound' object.*
Run the project again. This time you should hear the sound. I don't know why
the sound sometimes fails like this but i intend to find out soon.

* 'EventOnContact: Start GaspSound' should be 'EventOnContact: Start Landing Sound' (now corrected).
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 05:23:03 PM by Ed »


« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2011, 01:10:50 AM »
What it is:
* BuggyJumpRace_01.zip
  A buggy race game where opponents ( Player Car (Red Team) / CarAI (White Team) ) race to
  be the first to complete three laps. You must also master "slope jumping" in order to reach the
  first two (of four) race waypoints.

* BuggyJumpRace_01(Non-Compiled).3dr
  To use the .3dr project files you will need to download and install BuggyJumpRace_01.zip.
  Then copy and paste the custom assets (sounds, sprites, custom ValuePrint files and index
  files) to the appropriate folders in your 3drad installation (carefull you do not copy any .dll
  files, just the actual media assets and their requisite folders if necessary).

Project file requires 3drad 6.50 at a minimum.

The main purpose of BuggyJumpRace is to demonstrate adding particles and sounds to
collision events.

A few points to remember:
* You can abort the current race at any time and quickly reset the entire game (Enter key).

* The course you'll be running is essentially a "square".
   To learn the course first follow the CarAi. Then, when you're ready, reset the game and
   try for a win.

* The game has an audio countdown - 'three...two...one...' the game starts immediately
   after 'one'.

* Jumping is required to win. Keep your left finger ready on the "Z" key.
   Also, you'll need it for up-righting your car if it overturns.

* The Player Car has a fair degree of drift but is managable.

* The CarAI will usually finish a race without flipping over on its back. If it doesn't, just reset
   the race.

Controls :
* Arrow Keys  = Forward, Back, Turn Left/Right
* Z Key         = Jump (for slope jumping and up-righting your car if it overturns)
* Enter Key    = Resets the entire game (very fast, use as needed, i.e., your opponent's car
                      is flipped and the race cannot continue, or, you just want to learn the course
                      at your own pace). Not recommended you reset when cars are performing
                      slope jumps.
* Esc key      = Exit  the game

Everything here, except for pro-created assets (i.e., Valve and Id Software sound files), can
be used anyway you like -- games, addons, etc. -- commercial or otherwise. No permission
or credit required.

Id and Valve Software - various temporary, for-test-purposes-only, sounds.

Sorry for the inconveniance. I want these uploads to be as newbie friendly as possible
so i've re-uploaded the .zip file to include some missing assets.

Now included:
* Index files for all custom media

Here's a list of all the custom assets you need to copy over to your 3drad install:
* SoundEffect -- various custom .wav files
* SoundSource -- various custom .wav files
* Sprites -- YouWin.jpg and YouWin folder
* ValuePrint -- MyNumbers folder and index file
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 01:26:01 AM by Ed »


« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2011, 01:31:11 AM »
What it is:
Just two simple .3dr projects focusing on car skidding effects, particle and sound effects on
collision, and, particle effects on contact collision-point. All other 'game stuff' has been removed.

Project files require:
* Download BuggyJumpRace_01.zip (custom sound and sprite assets are needed)
* 3drad 6.50 at a minimum.

The project files are:
* Enables Particle smoke and car-bump sounds according to collision force intensity (using script
   and EventOnContact Object).
* Skidding on steer-angle effects (Particle smoke and skidding sounds).
* Preferably you would use these features with a Car / Wheel Object to avoid, for example,
   having the particle-smoke enabled on the car wheels when the Car is overturned (i.e., only 
   when the Wheel Object is in contact with the ground and not the whole car).

* Places Particle smoke at exact contact collision-point (using script and EventOnContact Object).
* Uses only one Particle Object -- more would look better.

Controls :
* Arrow Keys  = Forward, Back, Turn Left / Right
* Z Key         = Jump (for slope jumping and up-righting your car if it overturns)
* Enter Key    = Resets the entire game (very fast, use as needed, i.e., your opponent's car is
                      flipped and the race cannot continue, or, you just want to learn the course
                      at your own pace).
                      Not recommended you reset when cars are performing slope jumps.

Everything here, except for pro-game assets (i.e., Valve and Id Software sound files),  can be
used anyway you like -- games, addons, etc. -- commercial or otherwise. No permission required.

Id and Valve Software - various temporary, for-test-purposes-only, sounds.

Added a missing skidmark SoundSource zip file.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 01:20:27 AM by Ed »


« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2011, 01:50:49 AM »
What it is:
* BuggyJumpDeathRace_01.zip
   A buggy race game where opponents ( Player Car (Red Team) / CarAI (White Team) )
   race to be the first to complete three laps. You must also master "slope jumping" in
   order to reach the first two (of four) race waypoints.

* BuggyJumpDeathRace_01(Non-Compiled).3dr
   To use the .3dr project files you will need to download and install BuggyJumpDeathRace_01.zip.
   Then copy and paste the custom assets (sounds, sprites, .x file, custom ValuePrint files and index
   files) to the appropriate folders in your 3drad installation (carefull you do not copy any .dll files,
   just the actual media assets and their requisite folders if necessary).

This is an alternate version of BuggyJumpRace with some added mood 'music' and lighting,
optional mouse / keyboard steering and your car is now an auto-fire tank (jestermon's 'lil_tank'

Project file requires 3drad 6.50 at a minimum.

A few points to remember:
* You can abort the current race at any time and quickly reset the entire game (Enter key).

* The course you'll be running is essentially a "square".
   To learn the course first follow the CarAi. Then, when you're ready, reset the game and try
   for a win.

* The game has an audio countdown - 'three...two...one...' the game starts immediately after

* Jumping is required to win. Keep your left finger ready on the "Space" key.
   Also, you'll need it for up-righting your car if it overturns.

* The Player Car has a fair degree of drift but is managable.

* The CarAI will usually finish a race without flipping over on its back. If it doesn't, just reset
   the race.

* Use your rapid-fire cannon to disrupt your opponent's race (when firing you must be within
   about ten meters, else your bullets won't reach your opponent).

* Replace 'death1.wav' and 'death5.wav' with your own skidding sounds.

* Mouse                 = Mouse steer
* RightMouseButton  = Accelerate
* LeftMouseButton   = Fire gun
* W                       = Accelerate
* A                        = Turn left
* S                        = Reverse
* D                        = Turn right   
* Space                  = Jump (for slope jumping and up-righting your car if it overturns)
* Enter                   = Resets the entire game (very fast, use as needed, i.e., your opponent's
                               car is flipped and the race cannot continue, or, you just want to learn
                               the course at your own pace).
                               Not recommended you reset when cars are performing slope jumps.
* Esc key               = Exit  game

Use the 'W' key to accelerate, the mouse to steer, left mouse-button to fire and the spacebar
to jump.

Everything here, except for pro-game assets (i.e., Valve and Id Software sound files),
can be used anyway you like -- games, addons, etc. -- commercial or otherwise. No permission required.

Jestermon - fbf animation code, _lil_tank fbf model.
Id and Valve Software - various temporary, for-test-purposes-only, sounds.

Sorry for the inconveniance. I want these uploads to be as newbie friendly as possible
so i've re-uploaded the .zip file to include some missing assets.

Now included:
* Index files for all custom media

Here's a list of all the custom assets you need to copy over to your 3drad install:
* SkinMesh -- _lil_tank and index file
* SoundEffect -- various custom .wav files
* SoundSource -- various custom .wav files
* Sprites -- YouWin.jpg and YouWin folder
* ValuePrint -- MyNumbers folder and index file
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 01:25:02 AM by Ed »


« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2011, 11:01:28 AM »
Great to see my little toys used for such fun. Credits are a cool thing :)


« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2011, 05:19:44 PM »
Thanks jestermon :)

The _lil_tank model is the "gift that keeps on giving", at least in my case :D

Also -- at everyone -- please let me know if any media are missing or of any buggy behavior <---- no pun intended, i swear :P
« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 05:24:37 PM by Ed »
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2011, 07:59:03 AM »
good stuff you 'guys'... lots of usefull lil tidbits...

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