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Author Topic: A vision of things to come  (Read 998 times)


« on: November 28, 2010, 11:02:28 PM »
This prototype is not written in 3D Rad, but is a blueprint for the development of new tools that will inevitably add some more muscle to my tools arsenal, in helping to keep 3D Rad as my main prototyping workbench, for game development.

In the fast paced world of 3D development. New technology springs up overnight, making old tools pretty much out of date, and almost useless. In an attempt to stay abreast of this explosive growth, I spend a lot of my development time building new tools to stay on top of the game.

After having experimented with AutoIt to the extreme, I now feel comfortable with leveraging its integration possibilities, and building fully integrated 3D visual tools.

It is my plan to provide a new set of tools based on this prototype, that will allow for precise path and way-point maps, interactive shader tweaking, model scaling, precision snapping placement of objects, animation sequence transition testing, and a host of other much needed features.

I am publishing this prototype to show that there is a host of support applications that are often used in the background, or on the fringes of most game engines, that help to make a game come together.
When I find that a new tool that grows out of this prototype, can be useful to other 3D Rad game makers, I will release it to this forum.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2010, 11:11:40 PM by jestermon »
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2010, 11:41:51 PM »
Hi j... looks great not sure what it does.

I suggested some time back that 3DRAD could have a SDK, support software that would help with the more difficult task. Keep up the good work.


ps: good to see you back

« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2010, 03:21:48 AM »
It is my plan to provide a new set of tools based on this prototype, that will allow for precise path and way-point maps, interactive shader tweaking, model scaling, precision snapping placement of objects, animation sequence transition testing, and a host of other much needed features.
Sounds promising.
Which way does it have relation to 3Drad ?
This prototype is not written in 3D Rad, but is a blueprint for the development of new tools that will inevitably add some more muscle to my tools arsenal, in helping to keep 3D Rad as my main prototyping workbench, for game development.
I understand faintly.
Btw,I had a look at the prototype.
Well, I wish the project to be progressed  :).


« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2010, 10:47:09 AM »
Which way does it have relation to 3Drad ?
It has nothing directly to do with 3D Rad at all. But can be used to make tools to make it easy to put stuff together for a game
This is the framework, or shall we say the basic building block that will grow into a fully interactive 3D tool. It will be used for things such as..
1.. Loading and viewing 3D meshes and animations, and tweaking them
2.. Testing animation sequences that melt into one another
3.. Loading terrains type meshes, and with full camera control, to record very detailed paths and waypoints that can be exported as a text file, a .x mesh, a database collection, or whatever.
4.. etc, etc
For an example, PathMania, a little program I did in AutoIt to import paths, has no 3D interface.. Think of this prototype as a brick that can be used to built that kind of tool but can have full interactive 3D capability..
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2010, 11:26:11 AM »
I see.
The more good tools there are the more possibilities for game-making we have.
Good luck  :)!
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 11:29:10 AM by Alec »
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