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Author Topic: Twin Machineguns and stuff  (Read 1463 times)


« on: November 24, 2010, 04:18:25 AM »
A fun test that has an enemy car with twin machine guns chasing your car; with a whole lot of fun stuff thrown in.

* Twin machine gun script with alternate guns firing and  various values to tweak frame rate firing, cool down period, etc
* Direction indicator arrow
* Direction/ target locator line (for debug)
* Enemy self flipping car if it topples over
* Huge rigidbody terrain mesh for all sorts of winter chase fun
* Fix your car if it flips with the ENTER key (may need to press a few times)
* Debug printing of multiple values with a single textPrint object
* Source project included

Target V6.49

Machine gun script
Code: [Select]
int GUN1 = OBJ_0;   //1st gun
int GUN2 = OBJ_22;  //2nd gun

int activeGun = 1;      //the active gun
int gunheat = 0;        //gun heat counter
int maxheat = 100;      //max heat for guns
int coolbase = 60*3;   //number of frames to cool down = X seconds
bool canfire = true;  //true that the gun is cool enough to fire
int fireRate = 4;  //frame rate of fire.. eg every 5 frames
int frame = 0;     //our frame counter
int coolerCounter;  //our cooler counter

void Main()
   //keep scanner oriented to car.. manual setting is not always accurate
   Vector3 location;
   Quaternion orientation;
   iObjectLocation(OBJ_88,location);           //get car location
   iObjectOrientation(OBJ_88,orientation);     //get car orientation
   iObjectLocationSet(OBJ_66,location);        //set scanner location
   iObjectOrientationSet(OBJ_66,orientation);  //set scanner orientation
   iObjectStart(OBJ_66);                       //do a scan

   if(IN_66 != -1){        //if the target is in sight, fire guns
      frame ++;             //tick off a frame
      if(frame > fireRate){ //if the fire frame is reached fire at will
         frame = 0;         //reset the frame tick
         activeGun++;       //toggle the active gun
         if(activeGun > 2){ //only 2 guns
            activeGun = 1;  //so switch back
         if(canfire){                      //if we can fire
            switch(activeGun){             //fire alternate guns
               case 1: iObjectStart(GUN1); //fire this gun
                       gunheat++;          //add overall heat
                       break;              //enough of this gun
               case 2: iObjectStart(GUN2); //fire this gun
                       gunheat++;          //add overall heat
                       break;              //enough of this gun
            if(gunheat >maxheat){          //if the guns are to hot
               canfire = false;            //we cant fire them
               coolerCounter = coolbase;   //start gun cool down
         gunheat--;   //cool down gun if not firing .. same rate as firing
         if(gunheat <1){
            gunheat = 0;

   if(!canfire){             //if the guns are hot, and we cant fire
      coolerCounter --;      //count down the cooler 
      if(coolerCounter <1){  //if the guns are cool enough
         canfire = true;     //cool guns can now fire at will
         gunheat = 0;

   string S;
   S = frame+","+activeGun+","+gunheat;
   if(canfire) S+=",Y,"; else S+=",N,";

« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2010, 07:19:12 AM »
Cool stuff ;)
Roll out!

Do you have kids between the ages of 3 and 9?

« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2010, 10:41:10 AM »
I'm really glad you've been back... :D
It's nice I can download your staff and play with it and learn as before  :).
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2010, 02:18:51 PM »
that is so cool
its not allways what it seams
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