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Author Topic: ...boxing ragbots  (Read 3083 times)

« on: November 20, 2010, 08:55:47 AM »
this is another attempt to animate ragdolls (this time its rag-bots)....
its the same principles with my ragdoll boxing project, using different techniques for standing balancing etc..



« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2010, 10:18:18 AM »
great work!!... that bot definitely has learned to punch... :D
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2010, 10:57:22 AM »
Very Very cool...Hope you develop this into something great... would love to see a Multiplayer robot fighting game based on this :)
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2010, 12:33:21 PM »
Thanks a lot guys... :) :)
 for sure there is going to be a fighting game with these bots, the project itself keeps giving me ideas for games...
i'll try to script an AI for the opponent soon (primitive scripter + ragbots= GREAT fun!!! ;D)
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2010, 02:58:18 PM »
Very nice work, reminds me of transformers fighting, keep it up :)
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2010, 11:41:16 PM »
Very good indeed!
I will be following your progress with interest!
AKA: The 3D Raddict http://www.3draddict.com/
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2010, 09:52:37 AM »
 hallo everybody,

...first of all thanx for the positive feedback and the interest...

since i've been asked to share my projects, there is some thoughts i would like to share too...

   i have played a lot with 'animation' on ragsolls, u see it on ma tests , and i have more projects based on these principles. Basically i have tried putting ragdoll on many possible (game orientated) situations...ragdolls on bulls, motorbikes, driving cars, wagons, AVT 4wheelers, FPS, boxing, in the near future you 'll see some of it...Among other tests, i wanted to answer the question on whether its worthy for someone to prototype/complete a game
using these techniques... just because i find skinmesh animations boring (eg moves, punches are always the same). My tests have a great amount of realism on movements, but the challenges on creating an action game (not just a pathetic ragdoll getting the torture) are HUGE...

...to bo more clear lets focus on the RAGBOTS... the walk cycle is incorrect (not always moving straight when WALK is pressed, if walk and try to turn at the same time, 50% chances that will fall over, no guarantee that the punch will succeed)...What you saw in my video is FRAPS captures  after adding or changing
an action...(i always record the first runs, they are usually unsuccessful but funny)... many things can/will be improved, but i still doubt on whether someone can  produce a proper action game using this path...

...something else: if u look at lets say FPS games... the character physics are unreal (hero moves very fast, stops instantly...) but maybe thats the fun of it...

...so the answer so far is that the best way to achieve what i am looking  for (action+natural movements), is an Edorphin like system, or in 3dRad words: the ability to have a constant mix of bone animation WITH ragdoll physics (and i really hope that i'll see on the donation board soon :-))....

...so to everyone who wants to mess with my project:
1) i still believe that so far, skinmesh animation will serve you better than trying to do the same with ragdolls, and development will be MUCH MUCH FASTER!!! I dont think  that my tests are a solution if you can't produce skinmesh anims.
2) i consider my project failed (even though i don't give up, and starting the 2456357294856 rebuilt, GREATLY GAME ORIENTATED, with fewer objects, and a structure that will make it 'easy' to merge new ragbot characters in the future) ...(i know i am a mazo..)
3) DONT trust my scripting (i am an architect-hardcore hidh detailed or low poly modeler, i just did a bit of scripting after i discovered RAD (funny:i ve done some cool(for my experience) scripts (like a successful spaceship enemy AI),but i still don't understand the iInitializing thing...))
4) DONT trust the project, everything it wrong, you can ONLY see the (working) logic behind lets say the walk sequence...
5) the story behind the punch sequence is that you press c to charge, and release to punch...(and walk sequence is wrong:a leg should not be on the air if the other is not touching the ground)..
6) goog luck and pliz let me know if/when you do something succeful with it...


« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2010, 10:46:53 AM »
thanks for sharing your ideas... I personally don't have any experience with ragdolls but I asume they need a bunch of objects so I can't see them in an action game... but one thing is clear: your ragbots have their own life...

i still don't understand the iInitializing thing...))

a script runs 60 times/sec... the lines of code into the iInitializing() function runs only once, when the script begins... hope it helps

« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2010, 12:33:10 PM »
hmm theres a problem.....i can open the file fine but when i run the game in the editor i get an error message with the "send bug report" or "dont send" thing....nd my editor closes?:S...ny one kno y this is happening?
me likes 3drad ;D
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2010, 01:01:51 PM »
mate, you can't imagine. For a correct cycle walk i believe you need MINIMUM of 10 objects, but i believe that with help of an experienced scripter
a good compression can be done..
also many thanx for the iInit..., it defenitely helps,and raises another question... example: on my AUDI S1 project (simulation(some..day))
 i am planning to script a manual gearbox...where i believe i will HAVE to use THE iInitializing for the actual moment of the gearchange...
i mean the script doesn't have to check for the speed range i am into like my automatic gearbx script, but iInitializin is neede to execute the
code inside ONLY whene the upshift (or downshift) key is pressed...am I wright?????(hope i explained well, hard to do it in english)

 faizan i had some problems as well, it is because i tried to choose a project file with some 'good' results and abit organized so i got one from v6...
i will try to see if i can fix it or else upload another  soon
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2010, 01:17:00 PM »
This one?
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2010, 03:20:21 PM »
Still get the same problem :(......could it be tht 3d rad cna completely crash because my computer cant handle the processing?:S....i wouldn't think so..i have a 3.4 GigaHz processor...single core
me likes 3drad ;D
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2010, 03:37:49 PM »
don't know is the error message you get about joints and forces attached to non physical objects or something?
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2010, 03:45:51 PM »
no actually its a windows error message......i wana attach a screen shot but don't know how:P...im guna try to figure out how now..lol
me likes 3drad ;D
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2010, 07:41:39 PM »
if you tap printscreen key,  that will save a jpg image to the clipboard which you can then paste into any image program.
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