RadSkyboxMaker .. A tool to automatically generate skyboxes for 3D Rad
from frecle's amazing skyPanorama program
The skyPanorama program can be downloaded from
http://www.frecle.net/cloud/skypanorama.zipIMPORTANT NOTE
Unzip the skypanorama.zip into RadSkyboxMaker folder.
How to use
1.. Run the SkyPanorama2008.exe program
2.. Press F1 to ensure cubemap rendering
3.. Press Z to generate a sky (repeat till you get something you like)
4.. or Press A to generate a night sky (repeat till happy)
5.. Press S to save (The name of the image will be the name of the skybox)
6.. Use a name without spaces, for eg. Nightsky01, Sky00, SpaceSky .. etc.
7.. Press ESC to close the SkyPanorama program
8.. Run the RadSkyboxMaker.exe program
The skybox will be automatically generated in the RadSkyboxMaker skybox folder.
A folder with the name of the bitmap you entered will be generated.
An index image will also be generated in the index folder
You can either add the entire skybox folder into your 3D Rad skybox folder
located at ...\3D Rad\3DRad_res\objects\SkyBox
or you can copy only the skybox folder and it's index file.
Happy skyboxing