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Author Topic: I just came with an awesome idea please read  (Read 1871 times)

« on: November 24, 2009, 03:34:55 PM »
I just came with an awesome idea, I don't know if anyone made anything like it if he/she did well I can't find it.  OK, please bare with me for a sec. I'll try to explain the best I can.
I don't know if this is the right forum to post on?
Well if no one gets to do anything like what i had in mind then I'll try as soon as I learn to script.

Here it is u guys ready.... make few scripts examples if at least one script example for each Script Object Reference Functions witch are associated or compatible with 3D Rad using AngleScript.  This would help all of us a spaciously us noobs who are actually trying to learn how to script, in my opinion it would be much easier and faster to understand each object reference  how they work and what they are meant for to work on like a script example and explanation of the script. 

And if someone decides to do something like this and wants to be paid for their time of making something like this I'm first willing to donate what I can afford.

Well call me crazy noobe but that is my idea.  Thank You for reading. 
Give me a moment can't you see, I'm thinking.
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2009, 10:16:36 PM »
most if not all the objects are in the different script projects provided in the install. I know that a lot of them might need some  more explanation. It is a larger project to put together something like what you are wanting. The list is long and it would be better for you to learn from the existing projects and see what they do, because they will give you a good understanding on what the rest of the script functions will do.

If you dont understand scripting, there is not a much better program than 3D Rad for making games, BUT you will still have to have some scripting knowledge. With out it, you will not make it far. Learn from the existing once and study scripting. You will need to learn it.

I had to learn it, when I started 3D Rad, I coded websites, not games. I had to learn some of the stuff over again. Ive been there. All my coding knowledge is self tough, if I can do it, so can you.

As much as I would like to get things served on a platter, I wont get it unless I make it and put it on the platter my self.


« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2009, 01:17:43 AM »
You don't need to know how all functions works to make a decent script. Just start with basic functions, like:


Most of scripts are based on conditionals:

if (condition)
   //do something
   //do another thing

And don't forget to declare those variables you will need... have a look at the n_iron's AngelScript tutorial to learn more.

I think the best way is starting with small scripts and, step by step, add more complexity... I'm not a good scripter, but now I can do most of all I think.

hope it helps

« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2009, 08:17:46 AM »
Well  i don�t know how the power of the script, and what the script can do for us.

i�m trying to make a game like wipeout style. the basic is easy but to add some feautures is hard ,for example:
[Player and A.I]
-Missile function.(Player and A.I)
-Mines. (drop mines in the track)-(Player and A.I)
-Rockets. (Player and A.I)
-Weapons intems functions.(For random weapons when collide, Player and the A.I).

All This is the hard tasks to do or how to do!?

« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2009, 10:30:03 AM »
I think some of the functions could use some better documentation, especially the math functions, and some more detailed information on how 3Drad handles all of the different data types would be awesome, although I may have just overlooked it... :-)

As far as all the things paulorad listed missiles using the projectile object and some forces and airfoils, i think you can make mines using all the regular 3Drad objects. Rockets, use can still use the regular objects... I haven't ever played Wipeout so I'm not really sure of any specifics but with some determination all of this is certainly doable.
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2009, 10:31:56 AM »
yep i hope:)
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2009, 10:36:33 AM »
most if not all the objects are in the different script projects provided in the install. I know that a lot of them might need some  more explanation. It is a larger project to put together something like what you are wanting. The list is long and it would be better for you to learn from the existing projects and see what they do, because they will give you a good understanding on what the rest of the script functions will do.

If you dont understand scripting, there is not a much better program than 3D Rad for making games, BUT you will still have to have some scripting knowledge. With out it, you will not make it far. Learn from the existing once and study scripting. You will need to learn it.

I had to learn it, when I started 3D Rad, I coded websites, not games. I had to learn some of the stuff over again. Ive been there. All my coding knowledge is self tough, if I can do it, so can you.

As much as I would like to get things served on a platter, I wont get it unless I make it and put it on the platter my self.

I'm sorry but no one is asking to get served here, u have to read my post again to fully understand it.  I'm here to learn from the best.  I have read the entire www.anglecode.com  2 times and read n_rion's Anglscript basics 4 times all of them and still can't make not one script on my own.
The only things that came to my understanding I have to have void Main () in any and every script to make it work, ; is end of commend,  {} open and close script, // rem reminder, no functions but useful to remind your self of the script function, if () I maybe understand it somewhat and that is all, these other functions like count,float,=,+,-,<,>, and so on I understand the meanings of them but how to work with them is my main problem.  I do understand some if not most Script Object Reference Functions what I don't understand is how to make them work in the script, that is why I do not ask I only suggested that it would be awesome to have examples and or explanations of Script Object Reference Functions.

U see If I would to make a script my self of lets say ''object start'' this is what it wold look like;

void Main ()
if (iInitializing())
It is OK to lough at it because that is all I know and the script don't even work, now to even make it work at press of some key well then... well u can see where I'm at.

                                                   Happy Thanks Giving To All
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 10:40:37 AM by Siwler »
Give me a moment can't you see, I'm thinking.
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2009, 10:50:31 AM »
let's see:

< > and = you can use 'em for conditionals, for example: "IF (today is == a nice day) { Ill go outside }", right? (in a conditional you have to use 2 ==).

things (commands, functions, etc) go inside void Main () {  }

void Main ()

so, first example, we gonna make invisible a skinmesh:

create a script.
create a eventOnInput and link to script.
create a skinmesh and link to script.
in the script we gonna use a conditional to know if the eventOnInput is ON, in other words, if you press a key. if you take a look at the IN column for eventOnInput, it says something like (0/1): 0 is key not pressed, 1 is key pressed.
SO!! the script gonna be something like this:

if (IN_eventOnInput == 1) {

ofcourse, that goes inside the void Main () { }

void Main ()

see if you can make that work, and if so, try changing other objects properties when a key is pressed.

needless to say: where says IN_eventOnInput you gonna put IN_aNumber, where "aNumber" is the number the eventOnInput has in the script, the columns to the left. the same history for OBJ_

go for it!
Crashing Boxes - winner of the 3d games category at the 5th Uruguayan video game contest
get a copy for your iPad/iPhone!
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2009, 11:29:15 AM »
Thanks Loop I now understand scripting little more.'
And this is one of many ways I can learn faster, I can't learn alone have to have some better understanding like loop have made about 5 minutes ago and I learned to make this script thanks to loop again:

void Main()
   if (IN_22==1)  // activates EventOnInput to hide SkinMesh
   iObjectHide(OBJ_0);  // skinmesh

It works great Thanks loop one question why is it 2 = but not 1 =?
So, now I know how to use == for on EventOnInput and I'm guessing I can also use this function on EventOnLocation, EventOnContect, EventOnValue?
We noobs need to learn other functions like =>, +-, <=, count, float and so on please
                                                     Thank You
I even learned to hide and show object:

void Main()
   if (IN_22==1)  // activates EventOnInput to hide SkinMesh
   iObjectHide(OBJ_0);  // Hide SkinMesh
   if (IN_44==1)  // activates EventOnInput to show SkinMesh
   iObjectShow(OBJ_0);  // Show SkinMesh

Now the question is, is it possible to have 5+ different objects to hide and show?
I don't know where to start.
Hold on give me a day maybe I'll figure it out.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 12:52:14 PM by Siwler »
Give me a moment can't you see, I'm thinking.
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2009, 01:26:37 PM »
If = signs were actually people then,
I think 1 = says "You are required to equal this!"
And 2 == says "Hey man, I'm just checking to see if you are equal to this or not."

But I'm not entirely sure, because I make my living stabbing people for 15+ hrs a day, so it's very hard for me to find time to learn script also!
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2009, 02:11:05 PM »
1 "=" is used to define a variable. 2 "=" is used to compare it inside a conditional. if you use only one "=" inside the conditional then there's an error, because the script "thinks" you are defining a variable in a place you are not suppose to, or something like that.

now, what's a variable?
a variable lets say is a space in memory where you store a value. you can change it and use it for comparations. you need to declare variables, in order to use 'em, so 3drad can identify the variables you are using when you call 'em. there are differents types of variables for different functions. Im explaining all this because it looks like you dont have much idea of computer programation. let's start with something easy.

int variableX;

int means I gonna declare a variable of type integer, this is: integer numbers. "variableX" is the name Im giving to this variable, so now "variableX" means something to 3drad. opposite to the other things, variables can be declared OUTSIDE the void Main() { }  ;D, at first. so the script would look like this:

int variableX;
void Main() {

now you can give a value to this variable and use it to make functions. you can give a value when you declare and/or you can give/change its value at any time inside the void main.
so, I gonna declare variableX as 0, I gonna change its value when I press a key, and I gonna use it inside a conditional. here we go.

int variableX=0; //declare variableX and give it a value, 0.
void Main() {
      if (IN_22==1)  // check the key is pressed inside the conditional
   variableX=1; // change the value for variableX to 1
   if (variableX==1)  // check the value for variableX inside the conditional
   iObjectHide(OBJ_0);  // Hide SkinMesh


Now the question is, is it possible to have 5+ different objects to hide and show?
yes, just repeat the lines you know..
 iObjectHide(OBJ_0);  // Hide SkinMesh 0
 iObjectHide(OBJ_1);  // Hide SkinMesh 1
 iObjectHide(OBJ_2);  // Hide SkinMesh 2


try it yourself.

you need to experiment and try things. keep in mind you wont break anything and you gonna advance much more trying things than asking here elemental things that you can try yourself, like if you can do the same with eventOnLocation than with evenOnInput... why dont you just try it?  ;)
ALSO! looks like you dont have much idea about coding, you should learn the basis about variables, conditionals and loops. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_flow
look for tutorials on the basis and then compare the more basic instructions with the ones angelscript (3drad) provides.

I'll keep giving you examples, but you must learn the basis and experiment.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 02:16:33 PM by loop »
Crashing Boxes - winner of the 3d games category at the 5th Uruguayan video game contest
get a copy for your iPad/iPhone!
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2009, 02:15:24 PM »
Angelscript is very C++ like, you might try looking athttp://www.cprogramming.com/, it really helped me out.
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2009, 02:22:24 PM »
Thanks Guys I'll check them out.
Give me a moment can't you see, I'm thinking.


« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2009, 02:44:38 PM »
hey Siwler... where can I see your paintings? sounds interesting...  ::)
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2009, 03:05:49 PM »
My website is not ready yet but I can't wait to show all the arts that I have created
I'll post website here when it gets ready.  I'm using free website which is not mine its Microsoft's
its called www.officelive.com Thanks For Interest In My Art
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 04:37:28 PM by Siwler »
Give me a moment can't you see, I'm thinking.
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