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Author Topic: about transparencies, billboards, and imposters  (Read 979 times)

« on: November 18, 2009, 08:44:04 AM »
"Eppur si muove".

is not possible to success overlaping billboards with transparencies mixing imposters for more than 2 skinmeshes or imposters for 1 skinmeshes in combination with other skinmeshes.

while you can -using custom scripted solutions- order the imposters, all the imposters for EACH skinmesh are draw in the same drawcall, meaning this that if the required order to overlap your transparencies have 1 imposter for skinmesh A between 2 imposters for skinmesh B, all the imposters for A, or B, will be drawed first, therefore your order solution will be ignored and overlaping problems will appear. the same history happens with imposters mixed with single skinmeshes.

unhappily, all the "possible 'tools'" 3dRad provides cannot deal with "the impossible"...

you actually can success overlaping transparencies in billboard mode, BUT! for this you need to use different skinmeshes (one skinmesh for each billboard, therefore, one drawcall for each billboard). notice Im always refering to imposters, because use one skinmesh for each billboard, when you need A LOT, for make for example a forest, would be just insane.
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« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2009, 08:54:39 AM »
You are right. There is no way to avoid visual artifacts if you use transparent imposters. From some visual angles or under certain circumstances the infamous transparency sorting issue will cause visual artifacts.

You should design your projects with this well-known issue in mind.

If you can't make sure rendering priority is always proper in your specific game, the best is avoiding large transparent objects, when using imposters.

For example, if imposters are used for vegetation, you may want to make the textured geometry as thight as possible to the painted trunk, leaves, to minimize the amount of transparent pixels to plot.


« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2009, 10:37:28 AM »
Yep, this is a common problem with all games, and has been an issue back to 3impact. I made a post about it way back, but I cant find it, but I still have all the source images: http://screenracer.com/screenshots/help/draw_order

You can see how I was able to fix draw order on a local skinmesh, but now that we are talking about imposters, you will need to find a new creative way to fix this problem.
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