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Author Topic: am trying to find a way to control the front and back wheels seperately to ache  (Read 1144 times)

« on: November 17, 2009, 04:32:28 AM »
Please ignore the previous post i made, I wasnt finished and pressed the wrong button, and i didnt know how to delete it.

I am trying to find a way to control the front and back wheels seperately to acheive a realistic hand brake effect.  I have made created 4 wheels with their own skinmeshes perfectly lined up with the wheels.  So i have 4 wheels to use on a car.  I am still learning how to configure the script, maybe if i can edit the front rear set of wheels on a RWD car, i can press "z". 

It would be nice to have the front wheels braked, and the back wheels still going, this would be the ideal setup to achieve how a car really works, and thus achieve realistic drifting. 

     I have downloades the Original Handbrake Plugin, but it doesnt do what i want.  It does allow you to drift somewhat, but i dont see it stopping the front wheels, and thats how a real car works.

I havent figured out how to do what i want, but i have been trying to figure it out as i have stopped for a minute to post this question.  I might figure it out, but if anyone has any imput it would greatly appreciated. 

Thank you very much.
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2009, 08:39:48 AM »
The handbreak doesnt stop the front wheels on all cars. My austin mini and rover mini both only lock the rear wheels when the handbreak is pulled, when you use the foot break all four wheels stop. I think fernando was looking at a better handbreak once?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2009, 09:23:25 AM »
I dont know but i will have to check the post again, if i can get the wheels to work with either a car object or rigidbody car, then maybe it would be easier to just link an inputevent to the wheels so it would stop them by pressing a certian key, simulating the brake, seems it would be easier. 
 I was looking into using the wheels with a car, but if the car comes with its  own wheels, how is that going to work, I will have to look at the plugin script, or a new script linked to the car to see if their is a way to control the wheels within the script.
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