i see large tropical island... but there's just another mesh in there and a .png... doesn't look like a lightmapped image to me...
what program did you use to do the lightmapping?
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ok... your island lightmaps beautifully... but i found a few things, or should i say Giles found em...
first off, there was no UVMapping info... so i ran it through UUnwarp and UVMapped it... planar, top view... your mesh should be uvmapped, planar at the least...
then i ran it through Giles... 1 omni light, 1 ambient (so that the shadowed areas weren't black)... i let giles overwrite the original, then copied the folder, renamed the new folder to islandMeshLM.... deleted the 000_mesh.x and renamed 000_mesh_lightmapped to 000_mesh...
next open up 3DRAD and add a skinmesh... lead islandmesh... clone that and change the mesh tot he lightmap mesh...
edit the properties...
this is what i got (see attachment)...