G... if u can send me the mesh and the texture i'll take a look at it...
(i'll keep your mesh under wraps for you)...
check your messages...
in the meantime... some lightmapping basics:
most of this you probably already know, but i'll mention it just in case...
there are two methods to lightmap a scene... the dual mesh method and the shader method...
each has it's minuses and pluses...
dual mesh method requires 2 meshes and if they are not identical, you may get artifacting...
the single mesh method requires a single uvmap for the mesh... no tiling...
dual mesh method
the base .x mesh can use either 000_deafault, 0003_bumpy, 004_bumpy_glossy, or 0014_user_bumpy or
0015_user_bumpy_glossy shader property and the default mode set...
use the .x mesh that comes from your lightmapping program... rename it to 000_mesh..
Ignore Point Lights and No Shadows, No Fog, and Ignore Point Lights properties should be set...
(allowing point lights for the base .x mesh can be allowed in some scenes in order to highlight a "lit" area)
the lightmap .x mesh should use the 000_default shader with the mode set to Shadow-map...
set the Depth Sorting and No Z-Buffer properties along with No Shadows, No Dog, and Ignore Point Lights...
shadered method using 0032_user_lightmap system shader
if your lightmapper is Giles, use the UVMap Lighting method...
your model should have a single uvmapped texture... tiling won't work here...
output as normal, but you only need the lightmap bmp texture file which must be converted to renamed user_textureA.dds
set the mesh to use 0032_user_lightmap...
below is attached 2 simple compiled examples of each method that you can walk around in and see first hand...
method1 is the dual mesh lightmapped method
method2 is the shadered lightmapped method
just download anywhere and unzip... (you will need the c++ runtimes but if you run RAD you already have em)