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Author Topic: World Project  (Read 551 times)

« on: February 22, 2014, 05:18:06 AM »
Hi I have posted a project I have had for a while.

It has some great atmospheric effects. All done with 3DRads basic inbuilt shaders.

The problem with it is the aircraft object and the Character Object won't work with it. 3Drad only sees that 'Y' is up and when you travel to the side (Equator) 'Y' is laying down (object character/plane are on their side) and further around 'Y' is upside down relative to the world surface. You can drive around in the car but not with other objects.

The Character in the demo is scripted and it also works the same way. Take him for a walk (actually 'R' for run) to the equator and you will see what I mean.

I was wondering if anyone had a solution. I have tried somethings but I am not good with Quaternions.

Just un-zip it where ever you want it and run the .exe file. It has been Vpacked.


« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2014, 07:50:41 PM »
i did something like this a while back, though my planet didn't have any mountains or surface features... kinda neat...

i'm assuming you're using the gforce to provide a radial gravity field... right...  if so, then i don't think that you're gonna get the character or the airfoils to work the way you want them to...  that would be neat though if they would cooperate...

the obvious simple solution would be to use the known working object (the car) as a basis for the a character and a plane in your spheroid universe...

i haven't tried this yet, so i'm not sure how practical the idea is... but it shouldn't be too difficult... adjust the car so that it moves like a character... hide it... and there ya go  :)

the plane is gonna need a bit more thought though... a car with a couple of force objects should work...

i made a spaceship that uses a force object to launch itself from the earth (sphere), and included some logic to hard turn (no physics, a bad thing but) it so that it can pitch down and gain enough velocity so that the force can be stopped and it will remain in orbit... falling around the sphere... 

sorry... getting back to your issues... what do you think...


« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2014, 04:33:37 AM »
Hi Mike

i'm assuming you're using the gforce to provide a radial gravity field... right...

Yes it is the radial gravity.

the obvious simple solution would be to use the known working object (the car)

Haven't tried the car will look into that.

I was looking to use the scripted character object but looks like that might be to difficult. Will still do some experimenting with it.

I also have used the scripted character for an aircraft object but it also suffers from the same problem.


« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2014, 02:44:09 PM »
This would be cool with our moon bases! Think about it mike! A whole, small moon!  ;D
Like in mario Galaxy!
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2014, 05:32:47 PM »
This is just a thought, but I'll mention it regardless: Would you be able to use something similar to the script in the goal arrow addon to ensure that the character skinmesh is always facing upright, relative to the centre of the world mesh?

Also, instead of using a character object, you might be able to have a rigid body dragged around the surface by force objects, the orientation of which are determined similarly to the character's skinmesh (relative to the world centre).

p.s. The project's pretty fun to play. I spent way too much time zooming around in that little car  ;D
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2014, 05:47:16 PM »
i think you've got a workable idea g... using something similar should work... 

or point directly to the center of the planet (the gforce location) and the direction of the character would be 90 degrees from that (like a right angle)...

anyway, i think a game where making tech advances that eventually empower you to explore the planets of a  mini universe would be big fun...

i've played around with an idea similar to this... here's the problems i've run into...

1 - i could only get 3DRAD physics to give me a suitable static rigidbody planet...  and that means the planet would not be able to orbit a star or another planetary body using 3DRAD physics... i'd have to move it using location or transform scripted functions... that works, as long as you are not on the surface of the planet... which means that you'd be better off using a traditional 3DRAD terrain for the surface activities and everything short of going into space... which would make the idea of the spherical planet unnecessary...

2 - the same issues that n_iron ran into... planes and characters don't seem to wanna play properly...

3 -  i'm sure there's a way to do all this programatically... but it'd be beyond me at the moment...

« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2014, 04:50:03 AM »
Hi I agree with Mike that the moon project has already a long way to go without including extra possibilities that may slow things unnecessarily. There is a lot of problems with the plane and character object.

I have scripted the character in that demo. It uses a sphere rigid body and the skinmesh is placed in the 'Y' plane. That's standing up in a 3DRAD world. The iObjectVelocitySet() to move him around. There is an example of the script here http://www.3drad.com/forum/index.php?topic=10597.30

point directly to the center of the planet (the gforce location) and the direction of the character would be 90 degrees from that (like a right angle)...

I was also thinking of the 90deg. to the world center but not tried to expand on it.


added: Thanks g... and Heat It is fun racing around I to have spent lost of time exploring this new world.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 04:53:23 AM by n_iron »
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2014, 07:48:27 AM »

I was working on a solar system sized game a while back its on the back burner at the moment

If u wanna check it out its @ http://www.3drad.com/forum/index.php?topic=10686.msg94625#new
It will probably be no help but you never know lol

Now that you are deep into chatting about scripting it I'm a bit lost lol my one was done with as little scripting as possible
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2014, 03:59:23 AM »
Hi Danipren There is no problem using the car object in this sphere type world but the airplane, character and possibly the boat object won't work. So scripting is possibly the only solution.

« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2014, 04:38:21 AM »
I think scripting is probably the way to go have you thought about tricking the player into thinking they are on a round planet but secretly keep it flat on the axis I hope I'm helping lol I have a feeling I'm a bit Off track
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