One of the only ways you would be able to do it is to re animate andros animations.
As it is a defult readymade skinmesh the arms cant be forced to follow without distorting the mesh or rotating the entire body.
Cobbster as usual
The only way?
int iObjectBonesCount(OBJ_X) # void iObjectBoneOrientation(OBJ_X,int,Quaternion,int) # void iObjectBoneOrientationSet(OBJ_X,int,Quaternion,int)What is it for?
You cannot make Animations for every situation, car, model, etc. Hands follow a wheel is probably best if you script it.
First write an Animation Editor Script with which you can scroll with keystrokes through all bone joints and turn the bones in the directions you want by pressing keys.
Set Andro inside the car. Then turn the arms elbows and hands joints with those keys using iObjectBoneOrientation() iObjectBoneOrientationSet() iQuaternionFromEulerAngles() and iQuaternionToEulerAngles().
Remember min and max angles for each of those Bone Orientations you need.
Now write the Player Script which is used in your game. Nearly the same as the Animation Editor Script ... but instead of finding and turning the bones with keystrokes set the bone number and calculate the angles using the stearing wheel angle.
That's it.