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Author Topic: Putting your games online  (Read 358 times)

« on: January 26, 2014, 04:59:24 AM »
Hi I have been messing around with putting a game on line. This has been done before but with some reservations and un-reliability.

Reservations about putting all your hard work online for free, in other words un-protected. Un-reliably because it doesn't work. I found away to improve the chances.

If you don't want to go through all this and you don't care about your asset then I found this alternate discussion on 3DRAD forum.


I did some checking online for an alternative to OSAKitPro Player but there is nothing that is for free or a reasonable cost. OSAKitPro is now free and you can download is at www.osakit.com. One of the better things about is it is registered with Microsoft and works with IE, FireFox, Chrome and Safari. One of the not so good is it hasn't had any updates since 2007 and appears to be abandoned wear. I wonder how compatible it will be in the future Browsers. The 3DRAD OSA system doesn't protect any file from pirates. But I have been able to put files online through V-Packer. It involves downloading the OSAKit Pro SDK , the latest OSAKitPro Player (v4.0) and a bit of work.

1st - Compile your game, first check the 'Can run windowed', 'Adaptive GXF', 'Loading progress bar' and 'Include third-party runtimes'. Don't check the 'Embed at:' then compile it. Next run it, when the 'Display Options' panel opens select the screen resolution '1024X768X32' and un-check the 'Full Screen Mode', then click 'Do not show this panel again' and test it thoroughly, make sure every thing works even get others to test it for you.

2nd - Compile it in V-Packer. Make a new folder and give it the name you want online. Make sure the .exe (output) name is the same name as the folder name. When it is finished test it again to make sure it works as before.

3rd - First open the help file that comes with the OSA kit. Next read the help file.

Put your compiled game into a zip file. As before make sure the zip file name is the same as the folder name. Open 'OSA Package Maker' in the top field search for the zip file. In the second field search for the output folder and enter .exe name. As before use the same name as the finale folder name. Click Generate 'OSA file button...'.  The 'osa.yourfilename.osa' file is now ready. Don't alter any filename, if you do you will have to go through it all again.

Next open 'OSAKitPro Web Page generator'. Top field enter the name of the html Page you will generate. Again use the same name. The next field html title field name. If you read the help file you will know it is also important to, guess what use, the same name. In the 'File to download' field search for the osa file you just made. Next is the background image I did this but nothing happened so try it if you like. Same with the page heading field. Don't put in anything in the 'Command line parameters'. The progress bar I changed the colors but didn't alter anything else. For the following 'Add Properties' and 'Caption Properties'  I didn't alter anything. In the drop down menu 'Generate One Page' change to 'Generate Two Pages'. Now click 'Generate HTML Code...' and it will be done. Now you will have to edit the pages. You will need to check that your website name and full address are all correct. Below is the HTML file that Internet Explorer  will use (yourfilename.phpl). Look down through it and you will see how I was able to set it up. The main things you are looking for are the OSA filename and pathname. Make sure the spelling is correct and the pathname matches the location you will be putting it in on the server. At the bottom there is another lot of code this is generated for the Netscape compatible browsers in the yourfilename2.phpl Check this also.

When you download your files to the server you must include the following:


The 'OSAKitPro.cab' and 'OSAKitPlayer.exe' is the plugin, this is if the users browser doesn't have the OSAKit plugin installed. It will take longer for the user to play the first time but it won't next as it will already be installed.

You should call this page from your menu. Javascript in the head of this page will re-direct Netscape browsers to the other page.


function IsPlugInstalled(name) {
navigator.plugins.refresh( false );
    for ( i=0; i<navigator.plugins.length; i++) {
        if ( navigator.plugins.description == name )
        return true;
        return false;

function RefreshPage() {
    con=confirm('Reload the page? \n\nPlease click Ok if you installed the OSAKit Player.\n ')
    if ( con==1 ) { window.location.replace ('G6_MoonBase_Demo_2014.phpl'); }

if (window.navigator.appName != 'Microsoft Internet Explorer')
    // The browser is Netscape!
    if ( IsPlugInstalled("MeadCo's Neptune") )
        // The plug-in is installed
        window.location.replace ('G6_MoonBase_Demo_20142.phpl');
    } else {
        var con=confirm("OSAKit Player ( ~160KB ) is required to play this game, please follow these steps: \n\n\n1. Click the Ok button below. \n\n2. Click Save when the save dialog appear. \n\n3. Run the downloaded file to install OSAKit Player. \n\n4. Reload/Refresh this page again after installing the Player.\n \n ");
        if ( con==1 ) {
            window.location.replace ('http://www.huntspace.com.au/3D/G6_MoonBase_Demo_2014/OSAKitProPlayer.exe');
<body  onload="OSAKit.StartIt()" onunload="OSAKit.StopIt()">
<p align="center">
<OBJECT ID="OSAKit" CLASSID="CLSID:2D0280B1-DC42-4DFA-9525-09BD48838539" CODEBASE="OSAKitPro.CAB#version=1,0,0,0" width=" 256" height=" 95">
  <param name="Enabled" value="-1">
  <param name="BackColor" value="-2147483633">
  <param name="FillColor" value="16776960">
  <param name="ForeColor" value="16777215">
  <param name="BorderColor" value="12632256">
  <param name="Caption" value="Loading....">
  <param name="CaptionX" value="76">
  <param name="CaptionY" value="42">
  <param name="ProgressBarX" value="75">
  <param name="ProgressBarY" value="59">
  <param name="ProgressBarWidth" value="100">
  <param name="ProgressBarHeight" value="14">
  <param name="ShowProgressBorder" value="1">
  <param name="ProgressBarType" value="0">
  <param name="ProgressBarBorderSpace" value="1">
  <param name="ProgressBarBorderColor" value="12632256">
  <param name="FontBold" value="False">
  <param name="FontItalic" value="False">
  <param name="FontSize" value="9.75">
  <param name="FontUnderline" value="False">
  <param name="FontName" value="Tahoma">
  <param name="ProgressBarPicture" value="">
  <param name="BackgroundPicture" value="./G6_MoonBase_Demo_2014.jpg">
  <param name="FileToDownload" value="http://www.huntspace.com.au/3D/G6_MoonBase_Demo_2014/osa-G6_MoonBase_Demo_2014.osa">
  <param name="CommandLineParameters" value="">
  <param name="WindowTitle" value="G6_MoonBase_Demo_2014">
  <param name="Embed" value="True">
  <param name="GameMaker" value="False">
  <param name="CleanFiles" value="False">
  <param name="AdsURL" value="">
  <param name="AdsLeft" value="0">
  <param name="AdsTop" value="0">
  <param name="AdsWidth" value="256">
  <param name="AdsHeight" value="95">
  <param name="PatchingFile" value="">
  <param name="ShowPatchingProgress" value="True">

NETSCAPE compatible browsers code

<embed type="application/x-meadco-neptune-ax"
  pluginspage = "./OSAKitProPlayer.exe"
  width="100%" height="100%"
  param-location = "http://www.huntspace.com.au/3D/SteamPaddler_Demo_VP/SteamPaddler_Demo_VP.phpl"
  behaviormods = "4"
  contextmenu = "0"
  border = "4"
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