and what is string value in this function?
read Shadmar's descriptions on the System Shaders page...
and... if you didn't know the string param... how did you get the function to work to know that the color changed...
come on man... you gotta start thinking for yourself B... use your brain and stop relying on others to answer the simple question that you can answer yourself...
if you get an RGB value from your paint program, and it is larger than 255... doesn't it make sense that, since the largest value in the color register is 255, that the rgb value is a percentage of 255...
for example... if you get an rgb value of 128,255,128... wouldn't it make sense that you'd have to get some fractional number you can plug into the function from that rgb value...
and wouldn't you get that by dividing the rbg value by 255....
so the function might look something like this...
iShaderFloat3Set(OBJ_0, "cColor", 128/255,255/255,128/255);
these are things that you're gonna need to be able to figure out by yourself...