3D Rad - Free 3D game maker - Forum

This forum is now archived!

This forum is locked, and is a read-only version. A new community-ran forum can be found at classdev.net


The 3DRad community can be found at classdev.net.

About the 3D Rad Forum Archive
This read-only forum archive was originally created by FDX of 3drad.org, who was able to generously make available the archive for all to download and explore. I fixed (and spent the better half of a month learning how to use reg-ex!) up this archive, and made it available online for those who can't download nearly 1GB, with the added benefit of the search feature and being able to add files on the fly.

I also would like to thank gamedeveloper0 and n_iron (of 3dradboards.org) for kindly providing the files needed for me to help complete the archive, as well as making otherwise lost files available yet again.

If you find any issues with the archive (such as missing pages), please visit the 3dradboards.org forum