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Author Topic: The 2nd Rotary Gaming Game Making Challenge: The 70's  (Read 23410 times)


« Reply #315 on: November 05, 2012, 07:09:58 AM »
tadaaa! congratz Robertoo!

Grimbarian: I suppose, you will modify the gxf table yet, its a bit confusing now, the text and values...

quicky doable tip: try separate the game list code with a horizontal line tags: like this one...  ;)

game 1
game 2
game 3

EDIT: OK, the game list gfx is changig... nice already now, thanks  ;)

« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 07:16:33 AM by BorekS »


« Reply #316 on: November 05, 2012, 07:10:23 AM »
please direct all complaints with our decision to [email protected]  :D

« Reply #317 on: November 05, 2012, 07:20:07 AM »
tadaaa! congratz Robertoo!

Grimbarian: I suppose, you will modify the gxf table yet, its a bit confusing now, the text and values...

Indeed - a worthy winner and well deserved congratulations.

Good call on the table layout - cheers for that. All edited now to neaten it up a bit. Took blooming ages to type... Lol.
« Reply #318 on: November 05, 2012, 07:26:14 AM »
But in my book you're all winners   

i second that... i saw some examples of games that made sense... by that i mean the flow from the menu into the game was smooth and intuitive...  that, for me, is an essential...

next, i saw examples of games that 3DRAD is best suited for... linear, single disciplinary challenges... shoot it, drive it, fight it... things like that...  i've gotta simplify my sub game if i ever expect to get it done... or at least adapt it to something 3DRAD is better suited for...

what was missing in most of the games was immersion... graphics, sound, lighting... none of these elements  ever really combined to draw me into any of the games, with 2 possible exceptions... Rocket Rumble and Le Prix...

the starfield in  Rocket Rumble, combined with some nicely textured planets made me feel that i was actually traveling through the void of space... once i went past the planets i started to feel as if i was leaving the "safety" of the planets, going out into the unknown void... great job Roberto...  i could see you expanding this into a challenging space fairing game or a 50s era planet hopper...  this was my favorite and i would've voted this the winner...

Le Prix also excels here due to the graphics, especially the cars and the track... the one bad thing being the rails alongside the tracks... a different, none converging texture is needed...  while driving the car from the inside was most frustrating, sriving from the 3rd person view was a lot better... getting the AI issues fixed and adding a transmission would make this the basis for a complete and fun race game...

i was also impressed with the kungfu fighter side scroller... i too am challenged when it comes to rigging 3d characters,  a sprite based 2D scroller eliminates the need... but this game is more than this... it's just plain, fist smacking, ass kickin fun... and it could be more so with a lil more work... 3DRAD for 2D... yeah, it can (should) happen...

the top down whiskey runners of MoonRunner left me all thumbs... i only got one barrel of moonshine, i wound up getting my car stuck on top of a wall, another car eventually knocking me off and back on the road or else i would've never been able to get down... my final humiliation coming when the cop car crashed into me and ended my moonshine running career... sorry Grim, but this one was more frustrating that it was fun... i dunno what it is, but something was definitely missing...  or maybe i'm not a top down racer fan...

Dodge & Dash was another one that could've been fun, but i was all thumbs here too... the cam moving when the car dashed and dodged was too disconcerting for me... i kept crashing... better camera and controls needed here...

overall though, even the ones that weren't on my top tier were a lot better than i expected, and all could be easily turned into a ready to release game with a lil more effort...

To All The Competitors... THANKS FOR THE CHANCE TO "TEST" ;D  THESE OUT...

« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 07:51:05 AM by Mike Hense »
« Reply #319 on: November 05, 2012, 07:45:07 AM »
Well done robertoo still looking forward to playing your game. I can now say i'm offically gutted :( was mine that bad mike you didn't even have anything to say about it? A few things to say about mine being marked down. I had no idea 20p's were not around in the 70's. I went for the best textures i could find for the coins not ones dated in the 70's (which if i had i may of realised there was no 20p's). I actually had background music which i made but with all the other sounds it didn't fit so i left it out. Also i tried reel spinning sounds but couldn't come up with anything that helped the machine come to life so again i left it out.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 08:17:08 AM by hypokill »

Gamefreaks1234 gaming forum a great place for general gaming chat and getting your games out there and played.
« Reply #320 on: November 05, 2012, 08:15:51 AM »
I can now say i'm offically gutted

No need to be gutted mate - everyone who has contributed has done brilliantly. You should be proud of what you've done.

All scores were very close and each and every project could go on to become a full game with a bit more work.

@ Mike - cheers for the feedback on all projects. Hopefully everyone will keep at their work and turn each of these into some great full games.

I've also updated the opening post with the scores now so people can see them at a glance.
« Reply #321 on: November 05, 2012, 08:45:13 AM »
Well i'm still gutted as to me i was last as the other 2 competitors never got the full time we did for there projects.  Also i was not only last but very far behind in score in comparison. So thats the main reason to be gutted :( on the upside though i knew it was never going to be very relative to the 70's. Also the choice for doing this game rather then something else is because i wanted to make the fruit machine more importantly like my fav machine the tupenny nudger. In my opinion for what it was i wanted i think i excuted it well. Or atleast a lot better then a lot of fruit machine games i've played before. Still can't help to feel abit gutted to be so far away in the scores then everyone else.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 08:55:02 AM by hypokill »

Gamefreaks1234 gaming forum a great place for general gaming chat and getting your games out there and played.
« Reply #322 on: November 05, 2012, 08:53:38 AM »
Well i'm still gutted as to me i was last as the other 2 competitors never got the full time we did for there projects.  Also i was not only last but very far behind in score in comparison. So thats the main reason to be gutted :(

Would it help if I pm'd you all of the feedback we put together for your project?

When you look closely at the scores, you will see that it was only the 70's criteria (which was one of the major defining characteristics and hence criteria of the project) which let you down. Just as it did Roberto - you were both marked down heavily here.

The extra 4 - 5 points you lost here put's you inbetween - or on top of - both cypermethrin and I (Not a pleasant thought...  :D )
« Reply #323 on: November 05, 2012, 09:00:21 AM »
If the feedback has some positive things to say then yeah pm it me :p... Woah wait! On top of?... In between?.. Hang about what is this feedback you have to give me lol. It is about the game right?

Gamefreaks1234 gaming forum a great place for general gaming chat and getting your games out there and played.
« Reply #324 on: November 05, 2012, 09:03:32 AM »
...and....erm....no disrespect to other competitors....you didn't come last

You gotta remember this is a wide ranging comp so lots of criteria come into play, if we'd all made the same sort of game then it would be a lot easier to judge.

Please don't be disheartened, you made an (almost) finished game, most on the forum never do, you've showed it to the world and they have played it....what more could we ask for here.

Look at it this way...there are over 4000 members of this board, ok not all active, but ...you came in second

hope you're not put off entering the next challenge
« Reply #325 on: November 05, 2012, 09:17:07 AM »
No in all fairness only games i've had a chance to play was bruce leroy and my own. Bruce leroy being the better one in my opinion.. More imaginative extremely well executed and put togeather, more importantly much funner and fast paced. I'll be a lot less gutted when i get to play everyone else's tomorrow! I supose aswell i just need to wait a bit longer for some feedback on my game. Seems as if not many people have noticed it and the ones who did never gave too much feedback as the comp hadn't ended.

Gamefreaks1234 gaming forum a great place for general gaming chat and getting your games out there and played.
« Reply #326 on: November 05, 2012, 09:32:49 AM »
Also the only things in my game which i didn't make from scratch was the background noise and the textures of the coins which even then i did minimally edit. Also its the first slot machine in rad :D maybe the last who knows :P after all weve all managed to acomplish a lot of examples of games and the possabilities of rad and its full potential that we don't see often. While all of them got to be released at the same time. Also the community feels a lot more pulled togeather by both those who took part and those who have watched our projects come togeather. Hey we accomplished a lot so you can take my score and ermmm yeah just take it!

Gamefreaks1234 gaming forum a great place for general gaming chat and getting your games out there and played.
« Reply #327 on: November 05, 2012, 10:34:45 AM »
Yeah! I won something in my live!  8)
Mommy will be so proud!  ;D

First of all I would like to thanks my friends... Erhm, never mind.

Thanks for the kind words everyone!

How did mine get rated the least? ;D  I blame the beers. :D


please direct all complaints with our decision to [email protected]  :D


EDIT: Shouldn't forget, thanks Grim and Cyper for setting this up and taking the time to give all games a score and stuff!
Rocket Rumble, a 3D Rad puzzle game:
« Reply #328 on: November 05, 2012, 10:40:48 AM »
Shouldn't forget, thanks Grim and Cyper for setting this up and taking the time to give all games a score and stuff!

Not necessary mate - it's been a pleasure. Hard work - but still a pleasure. We do these challenges because we want to see what can come from the community here and try to give something back ourselves. We weren't even around when 3DRad had donations for added features or the time before that, so this is our way of contributing somehow.

You're a worthy winner Roberto - you have pm regarding your prizes.

Now please promise that you will continue with this project and take on board some of the feedback you have received... you have a game here that is almost commercially ready. Some more hard work and you could have something that becomes very popular. Keep up the really good work.  8)
« Reply #329 on: November 05, 2012, 10:44:25 AM »
Yeah congrats robertoo you little dutch genious! With all them shiney planets of yours :P just remeber you still have my feedback to come!

Gamefreaks1234 gaming forum a great place for general gaming chat and getting your games out there and played.
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