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Author Topic: The 2nd Rotary Gaming Game Making Challenge: The 70's  (Read 23402 times)

« on: June 25, 2012, 12:16:38 PM »
*EDIT* For all newcomers to this thread, and for convenience, all game downloads will be right here as well as where they are posted in the thread from each contributor.

and our winner is...

From RobertooMolvadoo: Rocket Rumble. A 3D puzzle game trying to guide a lost rocket back home.

Donwload Link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/36618693/Rocket%20Rumble.zip

Rocket Rumble 36/50

70's theme - 5/10 :  + Nice retro look.
                                - First launch was not in the 70's.

Graphics - 3/5 :       + Simple but effective.
                                - Few glitches in planets.

Sound - 3/5 :           + What's there is very nice.
                                 - Needs more and the music track make it feel too repetitive.

% Complete - 8/10 : + Pretty much complete.
                                 - Few more levels and scoring tables.

Originality - 5/5      : + Great game concept and idea.

Gameplay - 3 sections

Fun - 5/5                : + Brilliantly fun.
Addictiveness - 5/5  : + Couldn't sto playing it.
Replay Value - 2/5   :  No incentive to retry puzzles once completed.


From Grimbarian: Moonrunners. A top down style driving game to collect as much Moonshine as you can.

Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?juzww0wj2oauvd2

Moonrunners 31/50

70's theme - 10/10 :  + 70's cars, game view, menu styles and based on a 70's film.

Graphics - 4/5 :       + Looks good, with nice dust and shadows.
                                - Dull level select screen and mouse pointer too large.

Sound - 4/5 :           + Fitting random music tracks and voice samples
                                 - No engine or enemy/crash fx.

% Complete - 4/10 : + Loading screens, menu, gameplay.
                                 - Only 1 track - no high scores.

Originality - 2/5      : + interesting 3d physics in essentially a 2d game.
                                 - It's still a 3dRad car game.

Gameplay - 3 sections

Fun - 3/5                : + Quite fun
Addictiveness - 1/5  : + Not addictive.
Replay Value - 3/5   : + Unpredictable gameplay so may play again.


From cypermethrin: Bruce Leroy. A Kung fu master inspired side scrolling beat 'em up.

Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?b6r8npkq25gvow5

Bruce Leroy - 30/50

70's theme - 9/10 :  + Mostly 70's but...
                                - Based on an 80's game.

Graphics - 4/5 :       + Great animations and overall
                                - Some glitches and no shadows.

Sound - 3/5 :           + Good fx and music
                                 - Nothing on menu or intro

% Complete - 4/10 : + Intro story and nice end bonus screen.
                                 - Only 1 level and a few bugs/glitches

Originality - 2/5      : + Not very original, again, but...
                                  - Original for 3DRad.

Gameplay - 3 sections

Fun - 4/5                : + It's fun, fun, fun.
Addictiveness - 3/5  : + Drive to finish and increasing difficulty.
Replay Value - 1/5   : + Might watch the intro again.


From hypokill: 70's Night Spinner. A fruit machine game where the aim is to win, win, win.

Download Link: http://gamefreaks1234.com/downloads/70'snightspinner.zip

70's Night Spinner 26.5/50

70's theme - 5/10 :  + Nice 70's fruit machine.
                                - No 20p/pound coins in 70's, 50p says 2011 on it.

Graphics - 3.5/5 :    + Good coins/machine
                                - Background could be better.

Sound - 2/5 :           + Nice ambient loop
                                 - Needs music/reel spin/etc.

% Complete - 7/10 : + Mostly complete
                                 - Still needs high score/instructions screen.

Originality - 2/5      : + Not that original... but
                                 - It's original for 3DRad.

Gameplay - 3 sections

Fun - 2/5                : + Niche
Addictiveness - 2/5  : + They have groups for this sort of thing.
Replay Value - 3/5   : + If it's your thing - you will keep on playing time and again.


From BorekS: LePrix. A challenging race around a circuit. See how fast you can get round!

Download Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/79765157/LePrix_demo_pack.zip

Le Prix 26/50

70's theme - 9/10 :  + Good graphics and music choice.

Graphics - 5/5 :       + Exceptionally good artwork
                                - Grass texture not great - but that's being picky.

Sound - 4/5 :           + Lovely music choice.
                                 - Lacking some effects.

% Complete - 3/10 : + Loading screens, menu, configurable controls.
                                 - Gameplay is broken at the minute.

Originality - 1/5      : + The cars
                                 - It's a racing game in 3DRad.

Gameplay - 3 sections

Fun - 1/5                :  It's not yet fun.
Addictiveness - 1/5  :  Too broken
Replay Value - 2/5   :  Different views and graphics give a replay value.


from dogsofknowledge: Dash & Dodge. A classic old school top down racer.

Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ycoh3kubktk9meh

Dash & Dodge 24/50

70's theme - 10/10 :  + It's a 1970's game.
                                 - Nothing

Graphics - 3/5 :       + Simple but suit game style
                                - Menu not in keeping with style.

Sound - 0/5 :           + There is, at least, some
                                 - Music is irritating and poorly executed.

% Complete - 4/10 : + Gameplay elements and menu.
                                 - No "End Game" or high score table.

Originality - 1/5      : +
                                 - It's not very original.

Gameplay - 3 sections

Fun - 2/5                : + Decent driving.
Addictiveness - 3/5  : + Needed to finish the level.
Replay Value - 1/5   :    Unlikely to replay.


Competition is now closed. Please check out all the game contributed.

Come one, come all.

The 2nd Rotary Gaming Game Making Challenge is now underway. We truly believe that the people of this forum are capable of some outstanding work - and it can be brought to life by this unique and amazing piece of software called "3DRad" (along with some hard work).

We want to see what you can create. We want to see it so much, that not only will we help you, not only will we encourage you, we are also willing to bribe you into making your games.

So - the challenge is simple:

Create a game - any game type at all - over the next four months and submit it here for the adoration of your fellow forum peers and contemporary's. A platformer, A racer, a FPS, anything at all.

There are just 2 catches:

1) The game must be as close to complete as possible, and;
2) The game must be inspired by something from the 1970's.

That's it! How easy is that?

You have questions? OK. What do we mean by "as close to complete as possible"? Well, we are not going to be accepting any standard pcar objects, unskinned, on a default terrain as an entry.

Work must be your own, and to as high a standard as possible. Think game menu's, think sounds, think defined objectives. The more work you put in - the better your chances.

What do we mean by "inspired by something from the 70's"?

It can be anything - films, tv, music, fashion, cars, events, early video games, books, toys, etc, etc. As long as it was of the 1970's era, it counts.

Now for the best bit - the bribe.

Rotary Gaming have lined up the following for one lucky winner:

1) A Rotary Gaming T-Shirt, with a design featuring the artwork from your winning game.
2) A single user license (non transferable) for the superb Light Airplane Addon for 3DRad (more details here http://www.3drad.com/addons/LightAirplane_mkx.php ) courtesy of Mike Hense.
3) A generous 50% off discount voucher for www.the3dmodelstore.com.
4) A single user advance download of our next Sketchup Trackbuilder tool - featuring new textures, new pieces, and also including exclusive extra track pieces and features that will not be in the free release.
5) A single user version of the utterly invaluable Car Studio addon (more details here http://www.3drad.com/forum/index.php?topic=7232.0 ) courtesy of Rush3Fan.
6) Even more to still be confirmed....

Competition is now closed - keep your eyes peeled for our next challenge.

Winners will be decided by myself and cypermethrin (collectively Rotary Gaming) based on a scorecard system. Our decision will be final.

We are also both entering - however will obviously be exempt from winning.

Good luck everyone.  8)
« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 10:00:02 AM by Grimbarian »
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2012, 12:22:50 PM »
To kick off with - a quick list of those involved so far. Feel free to get involved and I'll add you to the list.

1) Cypermethrin
2) Grimbarian
3) Dillon
4) Dev
5) Hypokill
6) Some Slacker
7) Joseuz
8 ) Krewmember
9) RobertooMolvadoo
10) TinSoldier
11) 3DSimulant
12) 11Dogs
13) redfox007
14) Larry23
15) dogsofknowledge

Submit all progress, ideas, queries, and more here when ready.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 07:28:11 AM by Grimbarian »
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2012, 12:24:59 PM »
And to help out - the inspiration for my game will be the very first racing game made.

From 1974: Gran Trak 10

My game will feature the tracks from this and it's spiritual successors, Sprint 1 and 2 - with updated graphics and sounds, but retro style simplistic gameplay.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2012, 12:28:15 PM by Grimbarian »
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2012, 01:51:02 PM »
Hope we get some more interest with this, get yourself in!

i'm going driver london with this, 70s cop show inspired I will present to you blag slag....you play the 70s robber and must complete increasingly more difficult blags to gain more swag to get access to the best 70s brit cars (thinking ford capris, mkII jags etc), all while being chased down by proffesional armed b*stards from the sweeney todd
So get ready to complete the blags you slag!

(caution - 70s brit slang may have different meanings to modern terms)
« Last Edit: June 25, 2012, 03:19:07 PM by cypermethrin »
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2012, 08:41:18 PM »
I'm going Horror/Strategy with a nuclear reactor meltdown and paranormal junk on Three Mile Island.
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2012, 02:22:56 AM »
I'm going Horror/Strategy with a nuclear reactor meltdown and paranormal junk on Three Mile Island.

Perfect. Love the idea - and ticks the criteria.

Good luck.
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2012, 04:28:59 AM »
so you are making a 2d game grim?
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2012, 04:35:37 AM »
so you are making a 2d game grim?


Although the view is going to be strictly top down, the models and everything are going to be 3d. I think there's a lot to be gained from having 3d physics in a top down racer (car collisions, barriers, etc)

I want to stay true to the simplicity of the original's gameplay and 'style', while updating visuals and a few other bits.
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2012, 05:23:41 AM »
Some more exciting news has just arrived.

We are adding yet another prize to the pot for the winner.

In addition to the rest, the winner will now also receive the truly excellent Car Studio addon, generously created and provided by Rush3Fan.

I have used this time and again (lucky enough to download before it was made unavailable) for tweaking car setups and it's truly invaluable.

As with the Light Airplane addon, and the Extended Trackbuilder tool - this will be a single user deal for the winner only.
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2012, 07:31:57 AM »
Quick question... does it need to be a new project? Or could it be an older project on the backburner?
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2012, 09:13:45 AM »
How am i on the list?? Ok seriously i have a project i may be able to get done for this. Not promising anything though! So lets just keep our fingers crossed that i can get it finished lol

Gamefreaks1234 gaming forum a great place for general gaming chat and getting your games out there and played.
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2012, 09:28:32 AM »
How am i on the list??

Sorry hypokill. That's my mistake. If you want to be removed, just say... it's no problem.

Still - that's a lot of goodies you wouldn't have a chance of winning....  ;)
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2012, 09:46:14 AM »
I will try and finish this small project. I do have the best part of it done :P luckily i had a day off today so i'm in a good mood and have already started!

Edit: Not sure if Robertoo will fall for the same trick i have :P
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 10:15:32 AM by hypokill »

Gamefreaks1234 gaming forum a great place for general gaming chat and getting your games out there and played.
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2012, 01:53:43 AM »
Oh yeah forgot to mention what i am going to make! I'm making a 70's themed fruit machine called 70's night spinner! Ideal for me as it is mainly a scripting project which isn't so time consuming. I have the best part of it done. Will post some screenshots when i'm ready.

Gamefreaks1234 gaming forum a great place for general gaming chat and getting your games out there and played.
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2012, 02:07:38 AM »
Edit: Not sure if Robertoo will fall for the same trick i have :P

Lol - He pm'd me and counted himself in.  ;) .... apparently it's only you I've pulled a fast one on.  :P (sorry)

@11Dogs - it doesn't have to be a brand new project mate - if you'd already been working on something that meets the criteria, then it's eligible.  8)

Get yourself in.  :)
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