I seem to be having a problem with a rigid body set to static at the start but gaining mass later, something just seems off with the collisions, which makes me wonder... does setting a dynamic body to static at the start nullify the other variables for such a body? does this mean I need to assign the other variables when switched to dynamic?
The original problem was to solve the object falling over at the start, first I tried a fixed joint and stopping it upon collision, but the joint didn't seem to work as shown in the example, so I tried a different tact, making it static sure does keep it rigid, but upon collision it just seems like a very weak reaction (compared to others in the same sim).
Any thoughts would be appreciated!
The original problem was to solve the object falling over at the start, first I tried a fixed joint and stopping it upon collision, but the joint didn't seem to work as shown in the example, so I tried a different tact, making it static sure does keep it rigid, but upon collision it just seems like a very weak reaction (compared to others in the same sim).
Any thoughts would be appreciated!