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Author Topic: Barrier problem  (Read 1177 times)

« on: January 24, 2012, 07:31:35 PM »
I want to make a map for a cool 3D flying game, and I want to keep the player from flying off the map. But, I do not want the airplane to collide with an object, because it will destabilize the airplane. I really need to get something like this working, because I do not want to make a game that someone can post bad stuff about, and it becomes known as an error farm. No. I will not let that happen, so please help me if you can.
--X Death
I shall seek revenge, Daniel Cremers!
EDIT: sorry, something ''happened'' and someone ELSE did this, sorry about the trouble...
jestermon, reconsider what you said about banning me, because that is just wrong, considering the circumstances.


« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2012, 04:59:26 AM »
« Last Edit: February 29, 2012, 11:23:31 AM by RRSoft »


« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2012, 06:54:15 AM »
But, I do not want the airplane to collide with an object, because it will destabilize the airplane

man, you're a full member that doesn't know the basics of physics in 3drad... ::) OMG... OMG... if you don't want that your plane collide with the level, why in the hell you've linked the plane to the level?... just curious...

This forum mutates to a kindergarden with kids who want to make great games. But do not want to go the hard way of learning how to make them!
Its more and more a social help forum, than a programmers forum. Not good ... ::)

this place is a kindergarden since the beginning of times... adult people don't match here!! ;D


« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2012, 08:58:50 PM »
obviously you have looked into the script reference one day (in case its not copied somewhere else)

I believe I was the one to originally show it to him when he requested helpful scripts or something.  :P
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 09:15:49 PM by 11Dogs »
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2012, 09:49:54 PM »
Sorry, but if I try to make a script, it either has an error, or it just does not work. Even if I use the script reference for the stuff that I put in it.
So, I will use an EventOnLocation object to detect the plane as it exits the scene, and turns a wind object on, until the plane exits the area. No script needed. At all.
And, technically, everyone that uses 3D RAD is using the pre-programmed environment made by someone else, and therefore it would make sense that all of the games made with 3D RAD were criticized for being just something that EVERYONE can do.
to PsikoT:
I know the basics of physics. Read the information given BEFORE you reply to it. I wanted the plane to NOT fly off of the map, but I do not want it to collide with a wall or surface, because the plane would just flip out of control and BOOM.
I do not cry for help, I ask if people can help me. So, if YOU ask someone for help, you are crying out like a little baby? Usually, no, unless...
I do not care if you like or don't like the way I work, just let me work. I will eventually produce a 3D game, and all of the people that helped me will be in the credits.
--X Death
I shall seek revenge, Daniel Cremers!
EDIT: sorry, something ''happened'' and someone ELSE did this, sorry about the trouble...
jestermon, reconsider what you said about banning me, because that is just wrong, considering the circumstances.


« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2012, 03:51:35 AM »
I do not care if you like or don't like the way I work, just let me work. I will eventually produce a 3D game, and all of the people that helped me will be in the credits.

That's the way to go. Keep that sharp mind focused on the important stuff. Nothing else matters.
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2012, 07:46:59 AM »
...just let me work. I will eventually produce a 3D game, and all of the people that helped me will be in the credits.

i don't think you will...

i mean, judging from what i'm seeing in this, and other related posts, you stand about as much chance of finishing a game as i do of hitting the lottery...

first of all...  you gotta lighten up a lil... in the other post you were ready to have Jestermon's account pulled just because she poked a lil humor at your description of the dream game you suggested... i mean, cmon man, get real... you gotta admit... it does sound a lil like a game we've all heard before... blasting aliens descending from above...

you should learn to laugh a lil bit at yourself... and not take things too seriously...

besides... you can't take everything you read on this forum too seriously...

second... you don't even appear to understand what's involved in the process of making a video game... or any computer program...  and you're obviously short on 3DRAD expertise...

there are a few people here who dream of making a game... and some of these people can can even make great looking models (which you haven't even demonstrated that you can do yet)...  but they'll never finish a game either,  for the same reasons as stated above...

where you go from here is up too you...  you've got a choice...

you can either get mad... or you can get started...

first thing to do is describe the game to yourself... what do you want the game to be... what do you want to happen in the game... what will be the hook... the thing that will attract everyone out there to your game...

after you written all this down, next you've gotta decide what you can realistically do, separating this from the stuff on the dream sheet...  can 3DRAD do this... am i capable of implementing it... all questions that you've gotta answer...

for example... the question in this topic, how to stop a plane from leaving the playfield... you're coming up with the idea to blow it back on the playfield with a wind object...
 (you're lucky that Jes didn't lock onto that one as a joke target  ;D )

would you like to be playing a game where you're in a jet that can be blown back by the wind...  muhahahahaaaa  ;D  ;D  can ya see why some of what you're saying might be seen as being just a lil humorous... c'mon now...

ok... i don't think that keeping the plane within the playfield is really one of the first issues you need to be dealing with... do the things suggested above first... then, get a bit more familiar with RAD... there's a ton of advice on the forums... and a ton of people willing to help you...

as to your keeping the plane in the playfield issue,  here's a simple solution...

 just put up a message, warning the pilot that he is "about to leave the mission area"... put it up again if he doesn't change course...
then finally, if he persists... notify him that "the mission has been terminated, pilot has left the mission area"... and exit fade to menu...

simple, eh...  no physics... no winds... no magic involved...

good luck X... you can do it... but ya gotta lighten up, toughen up, and open up a lil...


« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2012, 01:55:28 PM »
  • TWO planes created so far  ;D
  • Map-making editor has been fully co-operational, so far
  • tutorial level is under construction
  • Game menu is being worked on
-=What I still need to work on=-
  • Making a script that makes a counter object only save to a .dll file IF the counted number is above the one saved in the .dll file
  • Still need to perfect the plane collision system, guns, bombs, and enemy aircraft that are smart
I have an idea for the guns, which would require making a projectile object that does not react to gravity and can fire constantly by means of holding the [X] key, and I would need to copy the projectile itself about 1,000 times, to allow the ''bullets'' to fire at rapid pace, and go pretty far.
And, it DOES have physics! The idea that I would not use physics would be like saying that you can jump off a bridge, fall up, and NOT die in space, even if you have no oxygen tanks or other means of living.
BESIDES, the aliens won't descend from above, they will fly out of alien ships and attack you, as if they were other jets, but made with alien technology (THEY ARE) and you have a 75% chance of dying, or being blown up THEN dying. Also, the first few levels gives you only simple machine guns, and you have to use the fastest speed of the jet, and kill aliens as you try not to get your A** blown off, at about 400 KPH! OR HIGHER (I got it working, FINALLY). You can then get better weapons/planes when you down at least 100 enemy alien aircraft or spacecraft. Enemies add credits or game points to your score, depending on how hard it is to kill the enemy. Also, every enemy that you kill adds to your OTHER score, and adds just one for each enemy killed (this is just a count of how many enemies you have killed). I also plan to make the enemies into projectiles that do not get reset after a delay, but they get reset 10 seconds after they die. Also, the enemies have to be faster than the player and his/her allies, and must have better guns than the player, and have to be easily downed by colliding with one bullet, like your plane is until you upgrade it after you get 100 kills (as said above). And, if you try to lay a level that you have already won, then the .dll file is not saved for the next level, because then if you have beat the other levels, and you try one of the previous level, your progress is deleted. So, the .dll file is ONLY saved if the level has no other levels unlocked after it.
ALSO, 3D RAD is capable of ANYTHING, you just have to find out how to make it work.
So, NOW who is simple? (hint hint - its not me)
I shall seek revenge, Daniel Cremers!
EDIT: sorry, something ''happened'' and someone ELSE did this, sorry about the trouble...
jestermon, reconsider what you said about banning me, because that is just wrong, considering the circumstances.


« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2012, 04:13:32 PM »
ALSO, 3D RAD is capable of ANYTHING, you just have to find out how to make it work.

Wow. . . That's more faith than I have .. good luck.


« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2012, 07:02:24 PM »
If you can make/manage .dll files, your ahead of me... still waiting for Jestermon's tutorial. Hehe..


« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2012, 09:44:20 PM »
If you can make/manage .dll files, your ahead of me... still waiting for Jestermon's tutorial. Hehe..
Ok. will do. the theme will be encryption. to keep things simple.
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