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Author Topic: Mafia Rivals I [FINISHED]  (Read 6743 times)

« Reply #45 on: June 06, 2012, 11:17:30 AM »
The previous time I gave my opinion, you didn't seem to appreciate it. Do want my opinion now?
Yep ;D

About the menu, well, I would prefer a more professional look, but this is your choose. Do what you want. Loading time seems a little high for a simple menu.

I know, I know. Professionalism is key. But the thing is, I don't know any super good computer graphics people, but I do have some ideas in store for the menu.
The loading time... I am seriously confused at why that happens. There are only like 13 objects in it or something, but...

I didn't see anything about weapon changing. When I pressed 1, 2 or 3 nothing happened. And the player doesn't seem to shoot where he aims. That makes the cars very hard to hit.
And you can just shoot through the wall.
1. You have to find weapons hidden in the map
2. I have tested the shooting a bunch of times, so maybe the sprite is off or should be off?
3. The guns you have are SUPER powerful. I think they can shoot through a petty little wall.

Anyway, about the first game mode. The controls are awful. Just wondering, why did you choose them? It's very unusual.

4. Trust me, I know the controls are horrible and unusual. If only 3D Rad supported W,A,S,D instead of having to do a whole bunch of stupid stuff with the ConfigureControls. And please don't say this is super simple becuase I have 3D Rad on my laptop and the only 'F' button I can press without the volume or screen brightess or something changing is F6. I personally hate the controls too, but they were the closest I could find to WAS and D. Until I can figure out how to configure my own computers default setting without killing it, the controls will suck for all of my games.

And the campaign mode, without any pictures the voice seems a little weird

5. Hm.... Let's think for a second... WHY WOULD A DRUGLORD GIVE YOU HIS/HER PHOTO AND HIS REAL VOICE?? Unless he wanted you to potentially turn him/her in.

it's annoying that you get and inflict damage simply by touching the enemy car, while it's seems more logical that this only happens when you bash into each other.

6. Tried that, and damage wouldn't inflict :/

And why do you have separate projects for the levels, when they are exactly the same? Seems like unnecessary waiting.
And like before, it's a little annoying that there is a separated project for the score page. I mean, why?

7. Not all of them are the same... maybe you should've played through every single level before posting that...

8. As for the score page, not every1 is a whiz in the scripting department. It seemed like unnecessary work to me to do that...

Hm.... I kinda based this off of major games like MW3, when the players tell about bugs or glitches and InfinityWard would fix them as they went... and let's not forget no game will ever be perfect...

As for the hamburgers, I'm done with that. I've been told I'm 'easily offended'. But really, you should be scared of the french fries. ::)

« Reply #46 on: June 06, 2012, 11:39:44 AM »
2. I have tested the shooting a bunch of times, so maybe the sprite is off or should be off?

Try putting the projectile object in the same spot as the camchase, instead near the barrel, if you haven't already. I know, this doesn't seem to make sense, but this will make the player shoot where he aims. All shooters seem to do this.

6. Tried that, and damage wouldn't inflict :/

You could check 'use contact force bounds' and setting a high enough value.

8. As for the score page, not every1 is a whiz in the scripting department. It seemed like unnecessary work to me to do that...

Yeah, okay.

As for the hamburgers, I'm done with that. I've been told I'm 'easily offended'. But really, you should be scared of the french fries. ::)

Rocket Rumble, a 3D Rad puzzle game:
« Reply #47 on: June 06, 2012, 01:17:58 PM »

Try putting the projectile object in the same spot as the camchase, instead near the barrel, if you haven't already. I know, this doesn't seem to make sense, but this will make the player shoot where he aims. All shooters seem to do this.

Sounds like a good idea! But there's only one problem...

I use a skin mesh for the bullet, and it would be weird to see that skinmesh going through someone's eye. :-\

You could check 'use contact force bounds' and setting a high enough value.
I tried, but it's a circular track. It would be kinda hard for the car to build up at least 5 KPH. But, I'll try again.
« Reply #48 on: June 06, 2012, 02:34:09 PM »
Sounds like a good idea! But there's only one problem...
I use a skin mesh for the bullet, and it would be weird to see that skinmesh going through someone's eye. :-\

Yeah, that would be weird. I don't use visible bullets for guns, I mean, guns shoot with about 1000 m/s. That's a lot. I don't think you can see a bullet in real live.
Rocket Rumble, a 3D Rad puzzle game:
« Reply #49 on: June 06, 2012, 05:30:16 PM »
Yeah. That sounds logical.
But also, in games like Medal of Honor or CoD or something, they have long white beams (very fast but visible beams) representing bullets sometimes.
« Reply #50 on: June 07, 2012, 03:34:43 PM »
Okay, some known bugs to this game are:
- some unlockables are not unlockable
- the final boss idles when it is reset if it falls of the ring

Does anybody else have a report of a bug or glitch?
« Reply #51 on: June 08, 2012, 04:10:46 PM »
Oh yes! GREAT NEWS!!!!!
I figured out how to disable the hotkeys on my computer and now I have changed the controls to WASD and the mouse buttons ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :o :o :o :o

I also fixed the previously known bugs and added some things too! ;D ;D
It's uploading to dropbox, I'll leave a link when it's done!
« Reply #52 on: June 08, 2012, 04:36:19 PM »
Here it is! Now that people can play it, I'll expect some reviews... they are much appreciated!! ;D
LINK: http://db.tt/a6usf79O
« Reply #53 on: June 08, 2012, 05:47:06 PM »
Hi DillonPICL,

I've just downloaded this and had a little play through. (Not all missions - about the first 5 or so)

Got some feedback for ya - good and bad.

My first comment would be to remove the "as good as finished" bit from the game description, I personally feel there is much left to do.

1) The menu system. Nice to see a working one in the demo here, unfortunately - as others have suggested - it's a bit weak. You don't have to be any kind of super graphics whizz to make something nice, something simple that sets the tone for your game can be very effective. Try making the background much more simple with just some simple colours (not garish) and some sprites instead of the text prints. The site below will generate some really nice buttons for a good menu system without having to know anything about graphics.


2) Loading Screen. See above really. Well done again though for taking the time to put a custom one in - one thing that shows through is the amount of time you have taken over your game. It's obvious there is a lot of hard work in here.

3) The Circular Death Match bits. First thing's I noticed were the lack of car shadows - they could really do with them. Second was the sounds - a bit poor and probably need some thought. Third, the environment. Could just do with some eye candy IMO, after a while it all starts to look a little 'samey'. Fourth, the text prints (again). Try putting some sprites in there that you've made and it will help add polish to your game. I personally don't see any problem with using the default text for something like the score value - but when it's used for everything it makes you title look poor.

I liked the health bars and the cars - the shooting was OK too.

4) The FPS bit. I know you said you had changed the keys for W A S D - but for me it didn't work. The controls were still the arrows and firing was done with A and D I think. Was very weird. The environment is ok, but the infinite skybox and edge of the map isn't very good. Block the edge of the map with some buildings or barriers instead of how it's done at the minute. The shooting was again OK. Have you seen the explosive addon that you can download for rad? it may be better than the particles you are using at the moment. It's linked below.


5) The race bit. Very poor - doesn't fit in with your game really. If it was in a city environment and you were moving from one territory to another I could see the point, but a default track on a default environment is weak and doesn't help your game. (Sorry)

Also - I did the second race (the one with boulders) and the player car kept hitting invisible explosions or something?? Was this on purpose?

6) The cut scene - again sorry, but this just detracts from the game. Nice that you took some time and effort to do it, but it's the first thing that people see and it is an extremely poor introduction to your title. You need to think about how to give a better introduction to the game I'm afraid.

*EDIT* - I've found a link to a menu test that was done and the way the introduction is in this is quite neat and simple. Try it out and see if it's something that you could do for your game. (Maybe just a picture of a mouth talking into a phone with the words coming up?)


OK - now you've read through that little lot - the things I liked.

1) Multiple levels
2) Health System
3) Decent Cars
4) Dedication to the game
5) Interesting game concept

Keep at it, iron out the kinks and add some polish - you're doing very well so far.  8)
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 05:54:57 PM by Grimbarian »
« Reply #54 on: June 08, 2012, 06:16:13 PM »
Thanks for the feedback ;D
the player car kept hitting invisible explosions or something?? Was this on purpose?
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Yep it was
if you read the description to the race you'd figure that I installed a little surprise for the players.... mines... ah, the hilarity...
« Reply #55 on: June 08, 2012, 06:18:39 PM »
4) The FPS bit. I know you said you had changed the keys for W A S D - but for me it didn't work. The controls were still the arrows and firing was done with A and D I think. Was very weird.

As for this, I know for a fact that I changed this, it was in my personal records... I can't figure out why it would say to do something and then not do it, or is it a bug for 7.16 or something? I tested it and it worked with WASD and the mouse button.......... weird.....
« Reply #56 on: June 09, 2012, 07:21:05 AM »
What you need to do after compiling the game is starting the game and go through the ConfigureControls. This is not saved inside the .3dr, but in a file that's named something like 'controls.bin'.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2012, 09:48:48 AM by RobertooMolvadoo »
Rocket Rumble, a 3D Rad puzzle game:
« Reply #57 on: June 09, 2012, 08:50:03 AM »
Nice game, I played few minutes but it was fun:)
Use 7.22
« Reply #58 on: June 09, 2012, 11:23:04 AM »
Thx alot guys it's much appreciated! :D
Since the controls for tw people aren't alike I'll make the controls accessible through pressing 'Z'
in the FPS bit. Got that done, now onto the menu... I visited cooltext.com and downloaded stuff for my menu and loading screen. Got that done, now to add a lil' bit of eye candy... added some, probably going to replace it soon, edited the story a little, blah blah blah.... just keeping you guys up-to-date w/ this project!
« Reply #59 on: June 11, 2012, 05:26:00 PM »
kk I created the controls.bin file with the edited controls and downloaded it and didn't have to change anything!!
So now I fixed about all of the problems people have complained about... uploading to DropBox as we speak! ;D
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