How would I do this in AngelScript?
(C++ snippet)
cout << "Your score is " << playerScore << ". Thanks for playing!";
Is there some easy way to achieve this?
Code: [Select]
void Main()
int PRINT = OBJ_0;
int COUNTER = OBJ_22;
int playerScore = 20;
string S=playerScore; //convert to string so it can be printed
//Method 1
iObjectTextSet(PRINT,"Your score is "+S+". Thanks for playing");
//Method 3
iPrint("Your score is "+S+". Thanks for playing", -6,3,PRINT);
//Method 3
S = IN_22;
iPrint("Your score is "+S+". Thanks for playing", -6,4,PRINT);
See attached project for use. See also default project "iPrint.3dr"
Also refer to Script Reference
Print the specified string by using the font and character settings as configured in the specified
TextPrint object
string = text (255 characters max). Multi-line text is supported (use '\r' to specify a new line character).
float,float = screen position. Note that resulting text location depends on source TextPrint object settings.
OBJ_X = TextPrint object handle.
NOTE: this function will only print the text once. In order to display a permanet text it must be executed
at every script loop.
(iPrint coordinates x go from -16 to +16, y go from -12 to +12 {36x24 layout}
You can use decimals eg 1.02 for more precise placement. 0,0 is center of screen.)
Set the specified text for the specified object (for example the TextPrint object)
OBJ_X = object handle.
string = text