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Author Topic: What names shall I Rename my Skinmesh's Textures When using FRAME BY FRAME ?  (Read 712 times)

« on: October 14, 2011, 03:54:31 AM »
Please , Help me in this :

I've a Skinmesh with Texture all done and every thing is Alright , But When I try to make my Skinmesh as 'Frame by Frame' it applies on the Model Only not on its Texture !!

So What is the name shall I Rename my Texture with to be applied on 'Frame by Frame' ?

I See that 'Capsule' skinmesh project has both 'Frame by Frame' on model and Texture , and its Textures named ta00 , ta01 .. etc.
But when I Tried to Rename my textures as 'Capsule' I Got no texture Rendered in 3DRAD !!
I Realized then that The names are Relative ... HELP ME PLEASE !!

and BTW my default Texture name is 'Plane01ShadowsMap' and the Extension is 'tga' , Just till me what to do Latterly --- Thanks 


« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2011, 04:29:12 AM »
I See that 'Capsule' skinmesh project has both 'Frame by Frame' on model and Texture , and its Textures named ta00 , ta01 .. etc.
But when I Tried to Rename my textures as 'Capsule' I Got no texture Rendered in 3DRAD !!

I think you must apply each texture to each frame model, in your 3d app


« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2011, 04:29:50 AM »
also, if you export as text based .X file, you can open it and rename the applied tetxure
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2011, 04:37:52 AM »
Thanks , I'll see if it will Works ...
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