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will drive 3 be epic?

- 4 (44.4%)
- 5 (55.6%)

Total Members Voted: 8

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Author Topic: Drive 2  (Read 6591 times)


« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2011, 09:50:47 AM »
;D ;D ;D
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2011, 10:40:08 AM »
your smiles are dingy. as for dart, those are your skinmeshes? i didnt know sorry i just found them in my hard drive and desided to use them... thank you all for makeing this a popular topic with 15 or so replies 200+ views ect. also if you go to my website you can vote on with game i should make next!!!!!
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2011, 11:02:35 AM »
hey shellos, don't give up... just work on your project 16 hours at day (8 for sleep), 7 days at week, 12 months at year and you will have a nice game to show here in the forum, sure... forget external feedback, less talk and more work... ok?

Yea, take it from an experienced guy like psikoT

It takes a while to find your creative edge, and you cant take failure personally; in fact, it just helps you learn faster.

it is just that i am getting depressed i put so much time into something like this
It's depressing either way, no matter how good you are at creating games.

Just think of it like this:

If you enjoy making games and it makes you happy, then forget about failing, and you wont fail, you'll just get better at what you are passionate about doing over time.

« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2011, 12:20:54 PM »
ok  i can see that but theres one thing you left out how do i get more attention i mean tramps idea was good but any other tips??? speaking of tramp i put wings on that model for you
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2011, 01:06:55 PM »
uhh i can has ideas for my game?

« Reply #20 on: July 17, 2011, 10:57:16 PM »
ok halting development on drive 2 lets start all over with   
Drive 3
 please all people insterested in my driveing games show me your instrest by visiting my website and voteing so far i have 1 vote you dont half to sign up or anything just click what you want and post your vote also i urge you to check out drive 3 once a demo is relisted also to clarify this is what drive 2 ended as(game in attachments) i think it was a ok secound addition it experimented with simple ai cars and driveing i hope everyone enjoyed it i will have the next game up as soon as it supasses drive 2 and then some stay tuned to this topic though because i will be posting the early development pics and will be accepting advice as it comes, this game will hopefully combind the driveing of drive 1 the experiments of drive 2 and maby a little of its own im looking for drive 3 to be more of a simple free roam driving game more then a raceing thrill game but i will try to incorperate some action amung the driveing like mabey collision detecting for thet bullets that can destroy some aspects of the driveing terrain ex: buildings and maby some obsticals im also looking a some stragety to this, right now without the ability for you to read my mind this probally sounds really boreing, heres what it is in your mind: ok soo your going to take out all of the challenging thing and recreate drive 1 with guns and a new world. That simpily is wrong this will be a multi world project by that i mean there will be a selection screen for the world there will be differt terrain for each includeing if you want to enter a new section of a map you will be greeted with exit fade and it will load a new tile of map ex load a new project with the same car just on the other side of the door / tunnel. this i hope will take a long time to explore by that i mean every map will take a good amount of time to eplore the whole game including rest maby a couple days. As i said before it will be mostly a drive around game so unless the visual are stunning it will become boreing and trechorous i will try to avoid that by adding things to steal you attention this is like creating a game that your playing and then boom theres somthing that you start looking at in the game that makes you forget about what your actually doing, playing a game i hope this techniue of attention defisate will work even on the most focused of minds allowing them to fall into the game and make connections, you see its all about hooking the player into your game makeing them have fun, have pleasure, or find enjoyment in your game, or as most call it addicting your player into your game, the same effect i have descriped is in some of the best movies they do this to make you feel in the movie makeing you enjoy it more by makeing it a part of you, of course 3d also is a cheap way to get this effect but thats off poing back to the games detail enough mental play. i will also be useing light effects in harmony with shaders that look like the real life object for example im not going to use a refelctive shader on wood. hopefully this effect of real life will help "addict" the player. also scripting by Robert the creator of a great zombie fps will help make my development limetless to 3d rad's capbillitys meaning if i need somthing special i contact  Robert and he writes me a script to make whatever i was wanting happen, so that also will help boost the limmets but the true limmet of anything really is your mind and knowlade but logically that is incorrect but ignore logic for a sec ok back to topic again. i will also ask numerous people for clearence to use there creations like that one epic water shader, oh and weather like endless snow creations or the authors of "bad weather" lots of great things lots of work and even maby the inconsivible amout of time psicot or whatever is name is told me to put in i might even add in a walk-into-walk-out-of-car setup for exploreing things on foot. Ok i will end this post know because its getting long its getting boreing the mods are gonna hate me and i want to stop before i say something that i cant do, wouldent want to get your hopes up then let you down, so thats it really hope to see you on my next game oh and just ftw go ahead and check out drive 1 i have a feeling you'll get that classical feeling while playing it until next time bye   
drive 3
 -shellos, not mike
« Reply #21 on: July 18, 2011, 01:18:06 AM »
dude, you should stop telling people to be interest and go to this etc... i make people think youre dying for attention or something, thus you havent finished drive 2 and you started to talk about drive 3, finish it first and then you go do the new game... as you progresses people would look at ur post and then go post stuff on your topic... :-\


« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2011, 07:04:46 AM »
Code: [Select]
A good way to learn is analizing those serious games you like (NFS, Gran Turismo, Toca Race Driver, etc)
Code: [Select]
- never heard of any of the games you stated  ???
no a least one game of the PsikoT list? such people living on our planet Earth? unbelievable!!!
where you lived the last ten years  ???
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 07:14:28 AM by BorekS »
« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2011, 07:36:39 AM »
i know NFS(Need For Speed), Grand Turismo-bought the latest version(5) the title goes by the slogan the real driving simulator, but i dont really know toca drving sim
« Reply #24 on: July 18, 2011, 08:59:23 AM »
sorry guys but drive 2 is done halted, i allready put it inside the same encryped folder as drive 1 drive 3 i started and im sure it will be better also with dying for atenttion well that is true if you cant get people to come to your party then you eat the cake yourself.
« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2011, 07:13:52 PM »
hello drive fans i have the first concept art this is one of the basic nature tracks hope you like.


« Reply #26 on: July 19, 2011, 01:32:32 AM »
so, what we see from the picture.
you convert low quality, untextured mesh mesh of one car body (same seen atd Drive 1 and also unreleased Drive 2), attached to default 3Drad hidden car and you use some of ugly terrain mesh including default editor ship and water surface.
it is really "shocking" progress. sorry, but its is tragedy.
« Reply #27 on: July 19, 2011, 02:20:26 AM »
*giggles* yea...  :o shocking!!
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2011, 09:36:03 AM »
eh sorry i was in a hurry to get stuff out there so people would know that i was working. the level shown here is  mosly finished and for the crap that i gave you heres a pic of what it looks like.
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2011, 02:05:45 PM »
Here are some better screenshots. made with the same terrain.

Rocket Rumble, a 3D Rad puzzle game:
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