Hi there,
it's my first post here. I'm reading the posts and threads in this Forum for a while now, and its really fantastic and breath-taking what all of you are doing with this application!
I wrote a little tutorial about creating race tracks in Google SketchUp. It takes about 10 Minutes. I decided to share it with you because in the beginning I had some trubble to find out how to do stuff in SketchUp. Maybe it's helpfull for anybody ...
Here's the link (It's a PDF): Download
it's my first post here. I'm reading the posts and threads in this Forum for a while now, and its really fantastic and breath-taking what all of you are doing with this application!
I wrote a little tutorial about creating race tracks in Google SketchUp. It takes about 10 Minutes. I decided to share it with you because in the beginning I had some trubble to find out how to do stuff in SketchUp. Maybe it's helpfull for anybody ...
Here's the link (It's a PDF): Download