I eventually got it to work !
Here, in a nutshell, is what I did:
1) Compile the multi-project using 3DRad Compiler
2) Test the compiled .exe to see that you can switch between all your seperate projects.
3) If OK, then create an empty folder for your final moleboxed application
4) Start MoleBox Pro
5) Set the "Executable" to be your recently compiled .exe in (2) above
6) Set "Pack to" to a suitable .exe name (of your own choice) on the recently created folder in (3) above
7) Set the "Select package" to Default Package(executable)
8.) Activate the "Set FLAT mode" button
9) Activate the "Open root folder" button
10) From the dialog that opens up, drag the dll3impact.dll, your compiled .exe and the whole 3DRad_res folder (EXCLUDING the projects folder) to the ROOT in the lefthand pane.
11) Now activate the "Pack to box" button.
12) Use Explorer to check that your packed selection is now in your folder created in (3) above
13) Now, still in Explorer, drag, from your compiled folder, the 3DRad_res/projects folder (containing all your multiproject .3dr files) to your new packed folder.
14) Test your packed .exe by running it, and you should be able to switch between your various projects.
15) HOWEVER......your project files are still accessible by anybody, which you do NOT want !
16) To solve this, you must go back to MoleBox and configure an extra package which will include all your .3dr files.
17) To do this, activate the "Configure" button
18) In the popup dialog, under entry "File name pattern", change the "*.*" to "*.dat"
19) In the same popup, activate the "Create" button. Another popup "Package options" appears.
20) Enter "All Projects" as the Description
21) Enter "projects.dat" as the File name
22) Accept the default encryption options and Close the popup
23) When back in the main MoleBox window, under "Select package" you should now be able to select your newly created "All Projects" package
24) Activate the "Set FLAT mode" button
25) Activate the "Open root folder" button
26) From the dialog that opens up, drag only your 3DRad_res/projects to the ROOT in the lefthand pane
27) Now activate the "Pack to box" button.
28) Your packed project folder should now contain an extra file called "projects.dat"
29) Delete your .3dr files that are still in your packed project folder (see (13) (14) (15) above)
30) You should now be able to run your packed project .exe AND switch between projects AND have all your .3dr files unavailable for prying eyes !
Hope that all this is not too confusing...... anyway, it works for me......which makes me very happy !