hi Mic... last week i was developing an animated character in 3dsMax and having problems to export it with animations correctly... trying to debug the problems, I've changed to Editable Mesh /Editable Poly and this was not the issue... now i have an animated skinmesh full working in 3dRad that is a Editable Poly in 3dsMax... (i do not use bones, I use biped
After some days trying to get the correct parameters to exporting it fine, I got the trik:
- The pivot center of the Mesh/Poly must be in the same place than the pivot of the biped, and you must place it before aplying the skin modifier (don't worry, you can save your weight map and reload it later).
- Do no group or select any element before exporting. Use Export instead Export Selected...
I'm not sure exactly what are your problems exporting your animated model. Now I have a lil issue with weight map in some vertices (into 3dRad) that seems to be a bit different than into 3dsMax... maybe you're talking about this and I must convert my model to Editable Mesh...
let's talk...