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Author Topic: Helicopters?  (Read 13268 times)

« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2010, 03:09:45 PM »
Feel free to improve it :)
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2010, 01:46:09 PM »
for the forces, you could have 2 at the front to control the pitch of the nose, on facing vertical to give it lift and two at the back to control direction, that would be the closest you could come to the actual physics of a helicopter without simulating the physics of it...
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2011, 03:18:09 PM »
I'm thinking of making an add-on of this.
Here's what I'm doing:Forces for keeping it up.Lots of "transform" objeats for forward back up down left right and stuff like that.Animated skinmesh and changeable views and stuff
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2011, 04:25:49 PM »
somebody's gonna make it (using airfoils and forces)... shad's come the closest so far...

but i'm thinking that the best way to approach this is with Jestermon's LocalToParent() code... and forget the airfoils and forces... don't use no physics at all...

anyways, that's the way i'd approach something like this...


you gotta think not just about your one grand object (like i did when i first designed my subs)... you gotta think about 5 or 10 of those things in a game...

what i'm saying is... sure you might get a single chopper working... but then what...
what if the game you're gonna make needs 3 or 4 choppers... you gonna just keep loading replications of the same 40 lines of objects that'll make up that one helocipter...

i'm tellin' you now... it won't work...

when you design your stuff, you gotta start thinking from a game perspective...

right now most of what i've heard is people thinking from a single demo perspective...

i wasted months doing that... trust me on this... you gotta find the easiest, most lightweight solutions if you wanna make anything more than just a demo...

as far as helocopters go... a lot of airfoils and forces will be needed just for one (doing the way that you're suggesting above)...  you'll probably get one working... but that'll be all...

i'm redoing my lightplane addon for the very same reason (it'll be free to all who've licensed it)... if someone is using it they probably wanna make a game where you can have more than one plane flying around...

a better way... in my opinion, would be to think imposters... think single sound and how to share it (sound LOD)... and think light sharing (we only have 3 or 4 available)...



« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2011, 12:36:36 AM »
but i'm thinking that the best way to approach this is with Jestermon's LocalToParent() code... and forget the airfoils and forces... don't use no physics at all...

anyways, that's the way i'd approach something like this...

Ok, I'll take up the challenge.

what if the game you're gonna make needs 3 or 4 choppers... you gonna just keep loading replications of the same 40 lines of objects that'll make up that one helicopter...
...when you design your stuff, you gotta start thinking from a game perspective...

I completely agree, demos are great, but they are not games.

i'm tellin' you now... it won't work...

As an experimental prototype for playing with physics, this is possible, and could be a great toy.. but beyond that.. nudda.

i wasted months doing that... trust me on this... you gotta find the easiest, most lightweight solutions if you wanna make anything more than just a demo...

Yup, the lighter the better. Many folks forget that games are process intensive, and want to make the next blockbuster with all the heavy artillery they can muster. Games need to be as lightweight as possible if they are to succeed in any way.

a better way... in my opinion, would be to think imposters... think single sound and how to share it (sound LOD)... and think light sharing (we only have 3 or 4 available)...

Imposters are 3D Rad's solution to getting over the message bottleneck, and making many usable game object. This feature is seldom exploited, but if used, can either make or break a game made by 3d Rad. Go imposters, and things can actually start to happen.

Now if any of this will sink in anywhere, is another matter.


« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2011, 05:42:32 AM »
Challenge for a scripted helicopter completed..

« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2011, 10:18:36 AM »
You could however do a combo (physics and scripted) one and still manage to clone the whole helicopter several times at the end.

The new script function iObjectDampingSet() would really come in handy for this..

The flip spin roll plugin can be used in combination to control balancing forces for the helicopter.

When it comes right down to it, you only need to use a couple rigidbodies, three skinmeshes (if you are not using bone animations), and a couple air foils for the main rotor.

All forces/velocities can be applied with a script, leaving you at 15 objects max.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2011, 10:21:06 AM by Rush3Fan »


« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2011, 10:47:57 AM »
Any game is a balance of resources in order to get out of it what you want. A hybrid physics and maths solution is pretty common in most modern games, and so yea, the balance can go both ways. There is not ever a perfect solution to anything, but the best use of any available resources to give the most enjoyable game possible, should always be the goal.... provided the design is light, and viable.
A full on physics helicopter sim with only one helicopter that flies mercy, rescue or fire fighting missions is very viable, but a full on battle sim with multiple attack helicopters would only see the light of day in a small game engine if it was totally non-physics. It's all a balance of resources against the actual game itself
« Last Edit: April 19, 2011, 10:54:11 AM by jestermon »
« Reply #23 on: April 21, 2011, 12:29:56 PM »
Here's a helicopter I looked up, you should try it :)
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