Change History :
- Small chenges to support v7 rigidbody import
- Bugfixes reported by mgear on cancelling imports.
- Added Import mapMesh for the imposter object
- Changed the file list to a list entry for easier reading.
- Added a Tools menu.
- Tools => Build index jpg to all orphan rigidbodies
- Tools => Build index jpg to all orphan skinmeshes
- Moved Create Terrain from RB to the tools menu
- Removed the Share source option since it was rather unstable (for now)
- Prepared a menu entry for physx actor import.
- Changed the default import jpg and added an orphan jpg
- Compiled as win32, so it should run on all platforms.
- Windows is now bigger
- Runnig as background popup removed
- Bug on multiple file select fixed
- Just one feature, a new Share Source button.
It packs your project into a sharable source in zip format. (It's required to compile your project first in the default compiledProject folder)
- Fixed small bug when trying to convert to Terrain and ply/pol is 0 byte.
- Copy checkboxes are now deafult checked.
- Added 3 browse buttons to open SkinMesh, RigidBody and Import folder directly.
- It's no longer required to have the default importfolder in the radimpfolders.ini file.
- Fixed small bug when cancelling a RB to Terrain conversion.
- Bigger Window, I guess size does matter.
- 2 new checkboxes, Copy Textures, don't move, Skip all texture import
- It's no longer needed to click YES or NO after RB import, RadImp now creates dummy .spg .pol .ply files which 3dRad updates automagick.
- You can now convert Static RB's to Terrain-object
- Fixed small bug in the window handler.
- When creating Skinmeshes or RB names it's now a filedialog instead of a inputbox.
- You can have 100 folders just edit the radimpfolder.ini file and add all your export folders
- Fixed small bug when selecting from list, the top one always got selected
- Added checkbox to exclude shadow on import.
- Fixed the .x| trash character in name suggestion when importing.
- You have to select file from file list
- Cancel button removed and replaced by a refresh button (to refresh file list)
- Clicking File->Exit or the windows x will close the application
- Added checkbox so you can choose not to delete the .x file from import folder when importing incase you need the same .x several places.
- First release
What was this ?
Simple Import Helper to 3d Rad
When you import a new .x to 3dRad it will :
1. Create all folders you need
2. Create the .jpg index file
3. Copy your file.x and renames to (000_mesh.x or rigidBody_mesh.x) and puts them into the respective folder in the
3dRad structure so you can just open them directly via the
"Change" button in the SkinMesh/RigidBody object inside 3dRad.
4. Copy your file.x to 000_shadow.x or rigidBody_shadow.x (Skinmeshes or Rigidbody's shadow mesh)
5. Copy your file.x to rigidBody_.x (Rigidbodys collision file)
6. Copy your file.x to rigidBody__.x (RigidBody's mass file)
7. Move any .dds .png .jpg .tga .bmp .gif file it finds to the respective folder insode the 3dRad structure
That's 7 steps in 1 second
You can also do a partial update if you need to change :
- Shadow Mesh (Skinmesh/RigidBody)
- Collision Mesh (RigidBody)
- Visual Mesh (Skinmesh/RigidBody)
After you done a partial update, just hit R in 3d-rad and you'll see the results immediately
Conversion :
- You can convert a static Rigidbody to a Terrain object so you can select via Terrain in 3dRad
How does it work?
After installation and you run it for the first time, it will check that you have started it from the 3d Rad folder
Then it will create a folder called <3d Rad folder>\import\ and run silent in the background, you'll se a tray icon.
When you are exporting and it detects a .x file in the import folder the menu will pop and you can choose what to do (see pic at top)
What it does not
- It can't export directx from your modeler or add functionality to the existing exporter (it just helps you getting them into Rad abit rad'er)
How to install
- Download attachment and unrar into 3d Rad folder (yes next to your 3drad.exe)
- Edit radfolders.ini and add your export folders from all your modelers.
- Run RadImp.exe
I find a great help to me when using Silo, Gmax and Fragmotion, I hope you can use it for your own benefits, if not, don't
DISCLAIMER : Use this at your own risk, it might be buggy, it does fileoperations without prompts.
Shadmar is not to be held responisble for any damage to your system/sources.
It has only been tested on my own local system.
Some antivirus scans may alert false positive heuristics