I'm downloading this 206MB without a screenshot or even a description of what this is...
Why is it a .exe? installer? I'll see, as I'm still downloading as I type...
...I'm guessing a car game ...what's an interon?
...you say: "If you like the game please comment" - This better be a fantastic game at this point
...we'll see ...yeah Ima tear this up if it aint good...
...still not even half downloaded
... when this starts loading and it says: "The empty space" with that star background - Ima roll my eyes
... welp, still downloading....
... must be good -it's flippin' over 200 MB!
Well, I had to install this to my computer and it crashes if I try to run it... I'm going to try to reinstall it...
...Nope, keeps crashing.
Looks like you have some "Tron" lightcycles -just looking thru the install... I think these could be FourDee's from his Tron game...