all you need to do is just copy the script settings that are in it and load up the scripts.
load up the scripts where... into what...
how do you tell the rb to use the shader in the script...
oh yeah sorry forgot to tell you but in order to apply shaders to a rigidbody you must first get the script object 2 of for the model shader selector script and the other is for the skinmesh shader itself and since the rigidbodys have a skinmesh file in them which we all know it's the rigidbody_mesh file it applys the shader to that.
heres the stuff the shaders the scripts can apply to the rigidbodys that I know of so far.
and thank you for reminding me mike I appreciate it.
and using any of these scripts that also use the normalmap it applys that to the rigidbody_mesh
but the since the rigidbody does not have a reflection settings like the skinmesh you can put reflections into it unless you know a shader that can fix that.
the scripts obs files are in the included zip file above.
I think you should know how to do it from here. lol