SETTING THE VISUAL ASPECT FOR THE PHYSICS LAYOUTClick the car body in the Virtual Editor window by using the middle mouse button (or right-click by holding the [Shift] key pressed) to place the cursor to the natural center of the car body element. Press [Ctrl]+[A] and add a SkinMesh object to the project to the cursor position. Double-click the SkinMesh item in the Object List to open the property dialog for it. Click the Change button... ...and select the red buggy car as visual aspect. Link the SkinMesh object to the Car, to make it follow the car layout, run-time. Double-click the Car item in the Object List to open the property dialog for it. Hide the car body's placeholder geometry. Click the OK button to close the dialog. In the Virtual Editor, click the front-left wheel by using the middle mouse button (or right-click by holding the [Shift] key pressed) to place the cursor to the natural center of the wheel element. Press [Ctrl]+[A] and add another SkinMesh object to the current cursor location. Then double-click the new SkinMesh item in the Object List... ...click the Change button and select the wheel model as visual aspect. Click and drag one of the scale transformation buttons, while holding the [Ctrl] key pressed, to match the visible mesh size to the car layout wheel size. Link the new SkinMesh to the car. Note: because the wheel element was the last selected for the Car layout object, linking the SkinMesh to the Car object will attach the 3d model to that particular element. - Open the property dialog for the new SkinMesh objects and rename them to make the Object List clearer. With the front-left wheel item selected in the Object List, select Object -> Clone to add a new instance of the wheel mesh to the project. In the Virtual Editor, click the front-right wheel by using the middle mouse button (or right-click by holding the [Shift] key pressed). Select Edit -> Move Object To Cursor Click the cloned wheel mesh in the Object List to move the mesh to the right wheel center. Link the new wheel mesh to the car, which attaches the mesh to the right wheel actually. Then clone the wheel mesh again and repeat the procedure for the remaining wheels. Don't forget to also rename the new SkinMesh objects to keep your Object List in order. You can now open the property dialog for the Car object and hide the placeholder geometry for the wheels as well. Close the dialog and press the [SpaceBar] to run the simulation. << Previous page Next page >> |