Walking into Google SketchUp 3d models interactively

This tutorial presents a technique allowing you to use any 3d model from the 3D Warehouse for your interactive 3D Rad projects.

Please keep in mind that certain 3d models from the 3D Warehouse may require some texture optimization before they can be rendered, in real-time, at acceptable frame-rates.


  • If you haven't done it already, download 3D Rad here.

    If you are new to 3D Rad, please dont's miss this quick overview about the editor.

  • Make sure you also have Google SketchUp installed on your system. The free version will be just fine.

  • Finally, install the 3D Rad Exporter plug-in for Google SketchUp by unzipping it to the

    C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 6\Plugins

    folder on your PC.

    NOTE: the path to the Google Sketchup plug-in folder may be different if you have installed the program to a location other than the default, or if you use a non-English version of Windows.

    NOTE: the plug-in will be available under Plugins and not under Files -> Export, in the Google SketchUp pull-down menu.

    NOTE: if, while using the plug-in, you get the following message: "You need to locate the installation folder for 3D Rad before this function can be executed", please select the "Change 3D Rad Folder" option in the Plugins -> 3D Rad menu and locate the 3D Rad installation folder on your PC.
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